(Manila Composite Electric) The Philippine Defense Sunday Sunday (May 5th) denied the "new model" of the Chinese government reaching the Ayunjin Reef (China Celebrity Renai Reef), and described the Chinese ambassadorThe museum's statement is "a puzzle game that must be stopped."

Torodo issued a statement that the Ministry of Defense has never participated in any agreement reached by the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines and the Philippine government, which can make the illegal existence of Chinese ships in the West Philippines Sea.

In the statement, he emphasized that after he took office in July last year, he did not allow any contact with the Ministry of Defense and the Chinese Embassy for any contact.

He said: "In polite visits, the two parties did not discuss or notice any 'gentleman agreement' or 'new model', which contrary to the statement of the Chinese Embassy."

Torodo has accused the "new model" saying that "obviously China is trying to create another lie, the purpose is to split our people and disperse our illegal existence and behavior of their illegal existence and behavior in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone."Essence

"I want to clearly point out that any hint (Philippines) The Ministry of Defense is a saying of any 'new model' participant, which is the cunning conspiracy of China through its embassy in the Philippines."

China said that there is a detailed record with the Philippine interviewing process

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy said on Saturday (4th) that according to the important consensus on promoting the cooling of the maritime situation, the Central China and the Philippine Military Region have reached repeated discussions at the beginning of this year, reaching the new model of the "new model"" ".This arrangement is a measure of trust, which aims to control differences, avoid conflicts, maintain peace, and have nothing to do with their respective sovereignty stance.

A spokesman pointed out that the Western Military Region of the Philippines repeatedly confirmed that the "new model" was approved by all key characters in the Philippine Command Chain, including the Defense Minister Torodo and National Security Counselor Arnold.China has a detailed and complete record of the above -mentioned communication providers.In the case of basically the "new model" of both parties, the Philippines successfully completed a replacement operation on February 2 this year.

A spokesman also said that on July 5 last year, when the Chinese ambassador to the Philippines met in the Philippines Ministry of Defense, the Filipino Ministry of Defense met with the special Odoro, he exchanged opinions on the relationship between the Chinese and Philippines and the maritime issues, and informed the "gentleman agreement."Related situation.The Philippine Ministry of Defense and the website of the Chinese Embassy have released the news.

The spokesman said: "What is confused about is why the Martaz government has repeatedly denied that he had discussed with China to achieve the understanding and arrangement of benevolence reef management?? If the 'gentleman agreement' was reached by the previous government and the Chinese side, then the "new model '' was reached by the Filipino government and China, and it has been proved to be controlled by divergence and avoiding conflict.After one effect, it was abandoned by the Philippines for no reason? "

Former Philippine President Duterte acknowledged earlier that he had reached a "gentleman agreement" with the Chinese official "handshake" to maintain the status quo of sovereign disputes.However, the Philippine government has stated that it will not acknowledge such an agreement.