Bloomberg reported that China Telecom giant Huawei has been accused in recent years.It has been using a foundation to fund high -tech research on "secrets".Huawei responded to this that its cooperation with the foundation aims to support global research and promote academic exchanges.

Bloomberg Society on Thursday (May 2) quoted documents and people familiar with the matter.Technology competition.Huawei is the only funder of this study competition.

The competition has issued millions of dollars in bonuses since its establishment in 2022, attracting hundreds of proposals from scientists around the world. Some of them have come from the top American universities that prohibit their researchers from cooperating with Huawei.

Reporting pointed out that the approach sponsored by the Foundation's agency allows Huawei to successfully avoid the restrictions on the top researchers from the top of the United States from cooperation with Huawei.

The Optical Foundation is a subordinate foundation of the Optica Society (OPTICA) of the Non -profit Society. The members of the members support the light of light to support communication, biomedical diagnosis, and laser.

The foundation website lists 11 "career start awards and scholarships" opportunity.Except for Huawei's funding competition, all other competitions list the donors of individuals and enterprises.Huawei's aid competition a year rewarded $ 1 million (S $ 1.3536 million), which is 20 times the second highest cash award of the annual cash reward of the website.

But a non -public document seen by Bloomberg shows that the Optical Foundation "does not need to indicate that Huawei is the source of funds or project sponsors of the competition", "the existence and content of this agreement, and the relationship between the two parties between the two partiesIt should also be regarded as confidential information. "

The applicants, university officials, and a judge who reported interviews said they did not know that Huawei had funded the competition.A group of applicants said they thought the money came from the foundation, not a foreign entity.

A Huawei spokesman said that the company and the Optical Foundation founded this competition to support global research and promote academic exchanges.The reason why Huawei's name is kept secret is to avoid this competition as promotions and not malicious.

Liz Rogan, CEO of Optics, said in a statement that some foundation donors "prefer to maintain anonymous, including American donors".Where ".Rogan said that Huawei's donations have been reviewed by external legal consultants and have been approved by the Foundation's board of directors."The Board of Directors of the Optical Foundation, the board of directors of the Optical Society, and the employees are completely transparent on the fund and support issues of the foundation project."It is forbidden to bans the US entity with Huawei as a ban on scientific research that will be published in the future, and the research on the contest is this type.But lawyers believe that researchers in the United States should still know the source of research funds.

According to Voice of the United States, since 2019, including the University of California, Berkeley, Princeton University, Cornell University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, etc.Accept Huawei's new funding.