(Manila Bloomberg) The Philippines and the United States are discussing how to prevent China from leading the Philippines nickel industry.

Bloomberg quoted one of the measures that the Philippines is considering to promote three -sided cooperation, that is, the Philippines provides nickel raw materials, the United States provides funds, and is provided by third countries such as Japan, South Korea or Australia with smelting and refining centers.Need technology.

The insider said that the negotiations of the United States and the Philippines are still in the early stages, and the key elements of the transaction have not yet been determined, including whether the United States can provide funds.

The Philippine Environment and Natural Resources Minister Yulo -Royzaga responded through SMS: "The Philippines is ready to cooperate with all countries pursuing energy security in the low -carbon world at any time. They must implement responsible mining and invest through investment.On land processing to improve our global competitiveness.

Nickel is one of the key metals required for electric vehicle lithium -ion batteries.Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts that by 2030, lithium -ion batteries will account for about 28%of nickel demand.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts that by 2030, the demand for nickels will increase by about one -third to 4.4 million metric tons per year.

Nickel is one of the key raw materials for US President Biden to promote green energy transformation.The U.S. government is striving to establish partnership with key raw materials to reduce key raw materials products that depend on China.

Indonesia is the world's largest nickel producer, ranking second in the Philippines.China is the largest investor in Indonesia's nickel processing industry.China has improved Indonesia's smelting technology, making Indonesia's nickel ore an important source of supply of lithium -ion battery production, and has also established China's control of Indonesia's nickel processing industry.Washington hopes that the Philippines will not have similar situations.