The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that nearly 300 Chinese citizens have been repatriated by the United States in three years, and said that the current Sino -US relations still face severe challenges., Poisoning relations between the two countries.

According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Saturday, the local embassy, ​​held a "Ping An American Bank" promotion promotion event on Saturday (April 27), and released the publicity of the Ping An US BankPages and anime videos.

Xie Feng said at the activity that the world today has entered a period of turbulence. The violence of war, terrorist attacks, and guns have emerged endlessly.Chinese tourists and international students are spread all over the world. Last year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassies of the foreign embassies of the Foreign Affairs and the Periods from abroad to handle more than 80,000 cases of insurance cases, with an average of 6 minutes.There is a pass.

He said that the current Sino -US relations still face severe challenges. The racial discrimination against Asians has not been eliminated.Modern personnel exchanges, toxicize the public opinion environment of the two countries.

Xie Feng said that in the past three years, nearly 300 Chinese citizens have been repatriated by the United States for no reason. Among them, there are more than 70 international students holding legal and effective materials, and even China invited by the United States to visit China.Civil servants were also investigated by unseen.He pointed out that China "for the United States' selectivity, discrimination, and political law enforcement" to many US departments to negotiate with severe cases, "together, negotiating together", and promoting the United States to remove the "stumbling block" that hindered humanistic exchanges as soon as possible.

Xie Feng also said that in the face of the US list of more than 1,500 Chinese companies on the sanctions list, it also extended "war" to electric vehicles, data flow, port equipment, social media and other fields. China is in the United States in the United States.The embassy has continued to urge the United States to stop the economic and trade technology of China, and demands that President Bayeng President Biden President Bayeng did not seek to be implemented in order to curb the development of China's development.

He pointed out that the Chinese embassy in the United States often knocked on the "warning clock" to effectively improve the awareness of risk prevention; be a good "mother -in -law's mouth" and continuously strengthen the propaganda of prevention of prevention;Maintain legitimate legitimate rights and interests."It is normal to have wind and rain on the road, but we will do our best to cover the wind and rain for everyone. As always, with everyone."