The Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Fu Cong said on Wednesday (May 1) that the United States has repeatedly abused veto on the issue of Pakistan and Israel, which is not a responsible power.

According to the Beijing Daily client, Fu Cong spoke at the UN General Assembly on the UN General Assembly on the UN General Assembly.Wounds.Independent founding is the wish of the Palestinian people, and officially joining the United Nations is a key step in this historical process.

Fu Cong pointed out that on April 18, the United States used veto to break the dream of the Palestinian people for decades, and the Chinese side was very disappointed.On the issue of Pakistani, the United States has used veto dozens of times.Since the outbreak of the Cisa conflict, the United States has been rejected five times, and four of them block Gaza's ceasefire. This time, it has exclusively blocked Palestine to officially join the United Nations.The United States stubbornly starts from its own interests and geographical politics, and has repeatedly abused veto, which is not a responsible power.It is hoped that the United States will truly adhere to an objective and fair position, join the righteous actions of the international community, and play a deserved constructive role for calming the battle and alleviating humanitarian disasters.

Fu Cong said that Palestine officially proposed as early as 2011 as an application for a United Nations member states. Due to the opposition of individual countries, the Angel Council's actions at the time were put on hold.In the past 13 years, the political prospects of the "two countries" have been eroded and damaged, and the suffering of the Palestinian people has continued to increase.Under such circumstances, accepting Palestine as a formal member of the United Nations, allowing Palestine to have an equal position with Israel and provide international guarantee for the implementation of the "two countries' solutions", which is an urgent responsibility of the international community.

Fu Cong also said that the current Gaza war continues, and humanitarian disasters are unprecedented.China urged Israel to stop all military operations immediately, abandon the offensive plan for the Lafa in the southern city of Gaza Strip, immediately open all land transit points, ensure the rapid, safe, and large -scale access of humanitarian materials, and provide due to the transportation distribution of transportation distribution materials for the United Nations humanitarian institutions.convenient.

Fu Cong finally said that implementing the "two countries" is the fundamental way out to solve the Middle East issue.China has called for increasing international diplomatic efforts and reviving the political prospects of the "two countries".China supports the Security Council as soon as possible to review Palestinian as an application for the formal member states of the United Nations. It is hoped that individual countries will not continue to set up obstacles for this.China will continue to work with all parties to make unremitting efforts to achieve a comprehensive fair and long -lasting solution to achieve the comprehensive and fair and long -lasting solution to the Palestinian issue.