In just one month, Wang Tinghui The ban "resigned on April 26.In the previous month, Vietnam's second figure, President Also resigns because of violations of the provisions of the "Party Members".The second and fourth characters have fallen down and represents the four pillars of Vietnamese politics one after another.

Wuwen Awards and Wang Tinghui are not unable to find.A few days before their resignation, their The problem of corruption was arrested by the police.In January 2023, the predecessor and former Vietnam President Ruan Chunfu Also resign because of their subordinates illegal.

The four pillars of Vietnamese politics have become changing lanterns, which shocked all walks of life.Political observers pointed out that Hanoi was in severe political turmoil.Is this the effectiveness of anti -corruption, or a struggle for power?

The Morning Post Podcast East Talking Westwest , listen to the host href = " yong-hong" rel = nofollow target = _blank> Han Yonghong and Singapore Yusov Isa Eastern South Asia Researcher Ruan Qingjiang analyzedVietnam's political turmoil.

Wonderful fragment

Host Han Yonghong: Wuwen Awards is the President of Vietnam, Wang Tinghui is the chairman of Vietnam Congress. They are described as the four pillars of Vietnam's politicsTwo of them, some people say that they are the four carriages of Vietnam -General Secretary, President of the Vietnam Communist Party, President, Prime Minister and President of Congress.Now there are two carriages.

Ruan Qingjiang, a visiting researcher at the Easov Isae Eastern South Asian Research Institute in Singapore: The worst problem in Vietnam is the age of the Communist Party,OLD.Their thinking is rigid ... Vietnam's political system is backward than China, South Korea, and Singapore. Many young people leave Vietnam to find a job.This is the biggest crisis for Vietnam.

In this issue (click the bookmark in the player, you can jump to the corresponding chapter):

  • 2:23 Vietnamese politics is deeply corrupted
  • 8:30 Is anti -corruption or power struggle?

Looking at the world, monitor China's heartbeat, Discuss international hot topics every week and analyze international current political dynamics.At 7 pm Singapore time on Tuesday.