(Washington Comprehensive News) As Sino -US relations are becoming increasingly tense due to trade and security issues, the highest officials in charge of climate affairs will restore bilateral cooperation negotiations.

According to Reuters, John Podesta, a US chimney, and Liu Zhenmin, a special envoy of climate change in China, will meet in Washington this month.This is also the first time that Liu Zhenmin visited Washington after taking over this position in January.His predecessor Zhenhua stepped down due to physical reasons .

Podesta also replaced Kerry at the end of January, becoming the newly -climate envoy in the United States.Although Podista and Liu Zhenmin have talked about it, they have not yet held formal talks.The United States and China are the world's largest greenhouse gas emissions.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Yang Tao, director of the North American Oceania Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China last Friday (April 26) on US Secretary of State When visiting China blowing to the media, the United States welcomed Liu Zhenmin to visit the United States, but did not disclose the time when he visited.

Liu Zhenmin said in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Tuesday (April 30) that he would bring a delegation composed of various ministries and commissions to Washington to hold a first face -to -face talks with Podsta.

Liu Zhenmin said that China will be committed to expanding cooperation on issues such as energy, circular economy, and curbing greenhouse gas emissions other than carbon dioxide."The common point means that both China and the United States want to continue to lead the global process of climate change ... We must cooperate as much as possible." He also emphasized that the two countries must also respect each other on all issues.

Reuters quoted a source familiar with the visit that Liu Zhenmin would visit Washington from May 8th to 10th and would visit New York.