Officials from the US Department of Labor said that because Xinjiang has forced labor, international companies cannot operate responsible in this region and should evacuate.

According to Reuters, human rights organizations pressure to pressure Western companies on forced labor issues, asking the company to audit the business in Xinjiang.

TheA Lee, the deputy minister of the US Department of Labor in charge of international affairs, said at a hearing organized by the Chinese Committee of the US Congress and the Chinese Committee of the Administrative Department on Tuesday (April 30) that according to the regulations of the Chinese government,"Basically illegal" for independent human rights audits in Xinjiang.

Siya said that if the company cannot conduct independent human rights audit, "then the only responsible approach is not to carry out business in that atmosphere."She did not mention the names of individual companies.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States responded that the allegations of forced labor were lies in the United States to make a lie to Chinese companies.

The U.S. government said that Beijing continued to commit racial extinction and anti -human crimes against Uighurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.The Chinese government firmly denies the allegations.

Asia said that the number of Uyghur workers transferred to other parts of China has been increasing, but it is difficult to verify the scale of this situation.She pointed out that data on Chinese websites will be deleted regularly, and others cannot enter these workplace freely to confirm the origin of workers.

The United States implements pressure on Xinjiang issues to prevent the Uighurs' labor law from the implementation of the Uighur Labor Law, but the US Department of Labor did not formulate rules on how American companies operate in China.

Preventing Uyghur Labor Law is a regulation that the United States is adopted in 2021 and it was implemented in June 2022.The regulation stipulates that the products produced in Xinjiang or the company produced by the list listed in the list are prohibited from exporting to the United States unless importers can prove that these products are not produced by forced labor.