The two weeks of the United States pro -Palestinian college students camped in protests in the school. On Wednesday (May 1), the police used force to disperse with force and barely came to an end.

It can be seen from the information of all parties that after entering this week, the atmosphere is quite tense. On Wednesday, the national police force entered the campus clearing on the campus also used violence.In Florida and other states, police use tear bullets to dispel demonstrators.When a professor at the Madison of Madison, Wisconsin was arrested by the police, his forehead was blood.

The British Guardian reported that many masked men used projectors, fireworks and chemicals to attack the student camp in the University of California Los Angeles, causing 15 people to be injured.Some videos showed that the anti -demonstrators shouted the slogan of Israel, while pro -Pak students criticized the police that they did not intervene in time.

According to statistics from the Washington Post, as of Wednesday night, 300 people at Columbia University and Municipal University of New York have been detained to increase the number of arrested people in the United States in the past 14 days to 1,700.In the conservative Dizhou, local media reports showed that the police have twice entered the Dharma of the University of Austin at the University of Texas, using pepper sprays and flash bombs, and arrested 79 people.

The wave of demonstrations of American universities that have been intensified since mid -April, it is easy to be reminiscent of the "beautiful landscape" in Hong Kong's anti -repair campaign in 2019 and the former US House of Representatives Perosi.During the comment, Mainland China and Hong Kong media did not have accused the United States of "hypocrisy and dual standards" on the issue of human rights and freedom of speech.Western comments also reflected on their lips. I satirizing the Chinese official media enthusiastically commenting on Western demonstrations, but they did not face the demonstrations that have also been in China.

So, can the demonstration of American universities compare with Hong Kong's anti -repair example?In fact, there are differences between the nature of the two and cannot be analogy directly, but the difference between the two is worth exploring.

The Hong Kong Revision Campaign has the characteristics of the citizen's non -cooperative movement, but many Hong Kong demonstrators involved illegal acts during the protest process, and finally evaded punishment.The behavior of American college students mainly exercise the right to speech freedom. They support Palestine and put forward some requirements that are not easy to achieve, such as requesting schools to strip Israeli assets.

Secondly, there are tens of thousands of participants in the anti -repair campaign. Although the university demonstration involves many famous universities in the United States, the number of people in each school is generally estimated to be hundreds or thousands of people.The scale and anti -repair exercise are not at a level at all.

From the above perspective, protests of American college students should get greater tolerance and respect.In fact, some students are indeed angry. They think that at the school to settle in camps, they have not caused personal harm to who or cause property losses.They believe that they refuse to evacuate and should be tolerated.

The treatment of universities is to add fuel to the fire.In the most intense Columbia University, the principal of the university, Shafik, went to Congress Mountain to receive the police in April and decided to report to the police. New York City Police entered the campus with riot equipment on April 18 and arrested more than 100 students.Some people say that this is the first large -scale arrest incident in the Copa Campus since the Vietnam War protests more than 50 years ago, and therefore ignited the protests of the protests in universities across the United States.

The greatest pressure she faced when Shafik came to Congress to be questioned was that she was questioned that she did not take behavior to stop acting on the "anti -Jewish" activity.This is the crux of this wave of demonstration: Is the students' support for Palestine's behavior, is it "anti -Jewish"?Is it equivalent to anti -Jewish against Israel?

For example, in this demonstration, there is a slogan "From the river to the ocean", which is a concentrated version of "from river to the ocean, Palestine will get freedom", which implies the goal of establishing a country from Palestine to the Mediterranean to the Mediterranean.In some Israelis, it hints to eliminate Israel.So, the demonstrator proposed that this slogan was anti -Jewish?Or exercise freedom of speech?

These unreasonable disputes have continued to upgrade the demonstration of American university campus pro -Pakistan to maintain a dispute to maintain freedom of American speech.During the process, American universities and some politicians did not show more often meticulous means in democracy, and it was surprising to suppress the controversy with the "hard touch" means.

Also on Wednesday, the US House of Representatives high votes passed the controversial anti -Jewie Act. Supporters advocated that the bill combat the campus "anti -Jewie hatred".any problem.

All these have made people see the polarization of American social thoughts, and they are increasingly trapped in pure ideology and concepts, but they are lost or helpless.College students' towering wave of demonstrations is only the characteristic of the problem rather than the root.The root cause is that Israel's war against Gasha is still ongoing, and the Palestinian humanitarian crisis is still continuing, but the United States emphasizes human rights and cannot be consistent while not being able to do words and deeds.American society is proud of advocating freedom of speech, but in the relative atmosphere of tit -tat tit -for -tat tit -for -tat tit, it is becoming more and more difficult to find a harmonious method, and the opponents are more and more squeezed.

As the presidential election approaches, the US situation will only be more complicated.But having said that, the United States still has the intention of struggling with ideas and efforts to tangle ideas, and it also shows that it can still run independently in many aspects of economy and technology without being disturbed.Most other countries can only be overwhelmed by this superior condition.