(Hanoi Composite Electric) The high -level Vietnam of Vietnam reproduces the personnel earthquake. The Vietnamese Parliament is scheduled to hold a special meeting on Thursday (May 2) in the afternoon to discuss on personnel issues.

The Central Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party announced last week that Wang Tinghui, chairman of Congress, as one of the four pillars of the Vietnamese party and the government, was approved.People step down.

The four pillars of Vietnamese politics have fallen into two pillars in more than a month, causing shock, and Vietnamese political observer pointed out that Hanoi was in severe political turmoil.

Reuters reports that in addition to discussing Wang Tinghui's resignation, it is unclear what other decisions or appointments will be made on Thursday, because Yue Communist Party still needs to find and approve the successor of the president and the president.

In the leading structure of Vietnam's "four pillars", Wang Tinghui is the fourth leader.Essence

Vietnamese politics is experiencing a storm of anti -corruption. The party and state leaders have successively reflected the breadth and depth of anti -corruption movement, but also highlight the concern and concerns about the unstable political turbulence and the outside world of Vietnamese politics.

The Vietnamese government official website issued a statement stating that the 67 -year -old Wang Tinghui violated the provisions of several ban on party members and the model responsibility of party members and cadres, and submitted resignation.He was originally regarded as one of the potential candidates for the next party secretary.

Although Wang Tinghui's specific violations are unclear, the Vietnamese police confirmed on April 22 that his assistant and deputy director of the parliament office Fan Taihe were arrestedAfter that, there were rumors that Wang Tinghui's status was unstable.

According to Article 7 of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2021, the seventh regulations of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the removal and resignation of cadres, if the authorities, units or direct subordinates managed by the leader have very serious corruption or bad behaviors, the leaders should be lifted by the leader’s leader’s.Position.

BBC (BBC) Vietnamese channel analysis said that due to the crime of Fan Taihe's prosecution is "abuse of power and seeking private interest", it is a category of corruption and classified as "particularly serious". ThereforeThe assistant of the assistant is responsible.