(Manila Composite Electric) The "side -by -side" annual joint military exercises of the Philippines and the United States will be held next week. This will be the first time in the international waters of the Philippines overseas and Taiwan and the South China Sea in the past 40 years.Military exercises, the content will include simulation of sinking target ships and regaining islands control.

As the tension of the South China Sea continued to heat up, the US -Philippine military exercise attracted much attention."Balikatan" (Balikatan) Joint Military Express Philippine Persons in charge of the Philippine Cultural Cultural Cultivation on Wednesday (April 17) pointed out that the exercise will "show our combat status and the coordinated work capabilities of the United States and the Philippine armed forces."

He said that the United States and the Philippine Army will simulate the islands occupied by hostile forces at the northernmost tip of the Philippines, but he reiterates that the exercise is not aimed at China.

Like last year, this exercise will also simulate and sink the target ship in the ILOCOS NORTE waters near the northern Philippines.

The Philippine Navy spokesman Trinida pointed out that the Philippines wants to use the joint military exercise to convey a message, that is, "we are not alone, we are always ready to defend our sovereign rights."

Meifei "side shoulders" exercises will be held from April 22 to May 10th. It is expected that 16,700 soldiers will participate. They will accept maritime safety, air and missile defense, dynamic missile strikes, network defense and network defense, andTraining in information operation and other aspects.

In the past, this large -scale joint military exercise was only held at 12 nautical miles on the west side of Palawan on the west of the South China Sea. This year, it extended outward for the first time this year.On the west of Balawwa is the sovereign dispute between the Philippines and China.

In addition to the United States and Philippines, Australia and France will also participate in some exercises this year, of which the French Navy participated for the first time.In addition, 14 countries will participate as observers, including Japan, India and some European countries.

In response to this exercise, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lin Jian said at a routine press conference on Wednesday that the Philippines should be soberly realized that it will only exacerbate the country to show off the force and provocate confrontation in China.The situation is tight, the stability of the region is destroyed, and Meifei is urged to stop doing this.

He emphasized that China will continue to take necessary measures to firmly defend his territorial sovereignty and marine rights and safeguard the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

In recent months, China and the Philippines have repeatedly conflict in Ayunjin Reef (China Renai Reef).The two countries have collided many times. The Philippines said that the Chinese maritime police ship used high -pressure water guns many times, hindering that the Philippine vessels transported supplies in the warships that were stranded in Ayunjin Reef. Several frictions caused damage to the Philippine ship and injured the crew.Philippine President President Macos stated on Monday (15th) that if the Philippine personnel died in the conflict, Manila would start the US -Philippine joint defense treaty.