Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun and the US Defense Minister Austin said in a video call that the Chinese and American armed forces should explore the way to get along with each other.The relationship between the two armies of mutual trust.

According to the "Ministry of Defense" on Wednesday (April 17), Dong Jun should talk about Austin video call on Tuesday (April 16).Dong Jun said that the military field is the key to ensuring the implementation of the consensus of China and the United States, the development of relations between the two countries, and preventing major crises from occurring.

He said that the Chinese and American armies should explore the way to get along with each other, take the peace, stability, and faith as the basis for communication.The relationship between the two armed forces that do not fight against, open and pragmatic cooperation, and gradually accumulate mutual trust, and truly be the stable cornerstone of the development of relations between the two countries.

Dong Jun reiterated that Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests, and China's core interests must not be damaged.The Chinese People's Liberation Army will never listen to all the "Taiwan independence" division activities and external condonic support.

He also mentioned that the current situation of the South China Sea is generally stable, and regional countries have their willingness, wisdom, and ability to solve problems.The United States should recognize China's firm position, effectively respect the territorial sovereignty and marine rights of China in the South China Sea, and maintain a stable relationship between the peace and the Chinese and American armies in the region and the Chinese and American armies with practical actions.

The press release issued by the Pentagon of the United States mentioned that the two discussed the importance of the United States and China and regional and global security issues. Austin emphasized the importance of maintaining the continuous opening of the exchange channels of the United States and China.

Austin also emphasized the importance of respecting the freedom of the freedom of public sea navigation that respects international law during the meeting, especially in the South China Sea.

The US press release disclosed that the two also talked about the Russian and Ukraine War and North Korea.Austin reiterated that the United States still maintains a long -term Chinese policy and once again confirms the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.He also reiterated that the United States will continue to work safely and responsible for flying, navigation and homework within the scope of international law.

This is the first substantial dialogue in the past 18 months. Austin had an important interaction with the Chinese Defense Ministers last time. It was a meeting with the then Chinese Defense Mission in Cambodia in November 2022.