After the video call of China and the United States held a video call, a naval patrol aircraft in the United States flew over the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday (April 17).

The Seventh Fleet of the U.S. Navy issued a statement on the official website on Wednesday that the P-8A "Poseidon" maritime patrol aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft for anti-submarine mission flew over the international airspace above the Taiwan Strait.

Statement stated that the flight mission showed the United States' commitment to the Indo -Pacific region of freely and open.Reuters reports that U.S. warships and military aircraft are connected in the Taiwan Strait every month.

Statement saying that the United States has carried out operations in the Taiwan Strait based on the International Law and safeguarded the navigation rights and freedom of all countries.The U.S. military flights, navigation and action allowed anywhere in international law.

In this regard, mainland China did not respond immediately.In December of last year, when a naval naval naval patrol aircraft flew across the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese military sent fighter jets to monitor and warn.

Before the US Navy patrol aircraft flew across the Taiwan Strait, Mainland China Defense Minister Dong Jun and US Defense Minister Austin just held video calls on Tuesday (April 16).The first substantial dialogue.

Dong Jun told Austin in the talks that Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests, and China's core interests must not be damaged.The Chinese People's Liberation Army will never listen to all the "Taiwan independence" division activities and external condonic support.

Qiu Kaiming, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, also held a rare talks with senior officials of the State Council on Monday (April 15) to clarify the principles of Taiwan issues.