The public party in the wild in Taiwan held a two -day consensus camp to review the defeat in the 2024 election.Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe issued a document on social platforms acknowledging that he should be responsible for the serious crackdown on blue and white.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Yi Ping News reported that this consensus camp was held on Saturday to Sunday (April 13th to 14th) in Xinzhuang, New Taipei City.Lai Xingyuan, the former chairman of the Taiwan MAC, gave a special speech. On Sunday, the Legislative Yuan reported reports and reports of the 2024 election review report and exchanges.

Ke Wenzhe posted on Facebook on Sunday that the Taiwanese people's party has two characteristics and work hard and reflect on improvement. "This is our consensus."

Ke Wenzhe introduced that he and the cadres of the Central Party Department, the chairman of the local party department, the party membership of the party, the members of the party, the representative of the township and the city, the village chief, the Central Committee of the Central Committee, and the Chinese judges communicated with each other in the two -day consensus camp.Review the mistakes made in the election campaign in 2024.Whether it is core value, policy exposition, major events, to the live title card, the fleet's street sweeping speed, and the camera process of the temple running stalls, all are open -minded and exchanged with each other.

Ke Wenzhe said that he would not use the "sound of artillery" to describe the review process, but the cadres or chairman of each report indeed listed many lacks.

He showed that if the presidential election is not doing well, the people's party will work as a reflective improvement, and then work hard to develop a more rigorous standard operation program (SOP).It is hoped that at least 80 % of the strengthening progress is achieved.

Ke Wenzhe pointed out that the team members mentioned that the most was the lack of connection with local organizations, and the elderly elderly lacked recognition of the people's party.These are priority improvement matters.Simply put, "We want to strengthen the grassroots and get out of the same temperature."

He said that the two and a half hours of units reported that many people talked about the blue and white, six -point agreement, and Junyue talks, bringing serious blows to the election of the people's party.

Ke Wenzhe admits that he will take the greatest responsibility for this. In the future, the people's party will consolidate the spirit of everyone's wisdom than personal wisdom, make common decisions, and face the challenges of 2026 and 2028 together.Different from the two major parties of Blue and Green, the most professional and most popular political party brand.