The new government layout of Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde is regarded as a big grabbing in the internal affairs, while foreign defense continues the current route of Tsai Ing -wen.

Lai Qingde, who is currently chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, will swore as president on May 20, and the new cabinet team will also take office on the same day.He announced on April 10 that Zhuo Rongtai, former chairman of the DPP, appointed as the president of the Executive President.Zhuo Rongtai subsequently announced five batches of the chief candidates of the Cabinet Ministry. The third batch of cabinet members introduced by the press conference on Tuesday (April 16) were mainly financial business.

Among them, the Economic Minister will be held by Guo Zhihui, the chairman of the semiconductor company Chongyue Group, and the Digital Development Minister Huang Yannan, the executive chief of the Information Security Specialist Center of the Central Academy of Sciences.

Zhuo Rongtai's knowledge and connections in the technology industry such as semiconductors and photoelectric at the press conference, continued to innovate and prosper Taiwan, and hoped that Huang Yannan would protect the security of information, promote the digital transformation of enterprises, and strengthen anti -fraud and privacy protection.

The other four include the chairman of the National Development Council, the chairman of the National Science and Technology Council, the chairman of the HKMA, and the chairman of the Public Engineering Association.Among them, the chairman of the State Science and Technology Council is Wu Chengwen, president of Nantai University of Science and Technology. He has been the director of the Institute of Information and Communications of the Institute of Technology and is known as an important promoter of the development of the semiconductor industry.

After Lai Qingde, he introduced the qualifications of these six people on Facebook, emphasizing that this wave of members of the cabinet is based on smart innovation. We must give play to the "AI (artificial intelligence) power, that is, national strength" to help Taiwan improve its scientific and technological strength.

However, on the day when the financial cabinet was announced, the Taipei stock market fell 547 points or 2.68%, falling below the 20,000 -point mark.General analysis pointed out that the main reason is that the international situation is unstable and the US stock index falls, which affects the emotions of Taiwan stock transactions.

In addition, although the Foreign Minister of the New Cabinet and the Secretary -General of the National Security Council has not been officially announced, when Tsai Ing -wen visited the New Zealand Parliament's visit to the New Zealand Parliament on Tuesday, when he introduced the personnel present, "Changlin Jialong is also the next foreign minister; the current foreign minister, Wu Zhaozheng, the Secretary -General of the National Security Council in the future, indirectly confirmed the rumors of political circles.

In addition to the new appointment of Lin Jialong and Wu Zhaozheng, Taiwan's politics also reported that Gu Lixiong, the former Secretary -General of the National Security Council, will be the Minister of Defense, while the national security director Cai Mingyan stayed.

Comprehensive Taiwan comments, Cai Yingwen is cautious in style. It is unlikely to "say slippery". It is more likely that he wants to continue to show influence in the national security fields such as foreign defense.During the national security appointment that has not been officially announced, Lai Qingde also estimated that he took the "Zuncai route" and continued the steady route that Tsai Ing -wen was recognized in the United States and internationally.

However, Lai Qingde obviously implemented his personal will in the personnel of the internal affairs. Even if the head of the relevant ministries did not have a DPP member, he was also a pro -green scholar or person, or it was related to Tainan and the New Trend.

In addition, Guo Zhihui, the appointment of the Economic Minister, who has always been known as the semiconductor, has also attracted noise.Kuomintang legislator Wang Hongwei pointed out that Bloomberg reported that Guo Zhihui had assisted the Huawei Company of Mainland China to set up a wafer fab, and questioned the move that could endanger Taiwan's Guoan during the chairman of Chongyue Group.As a result, Wang Hongwei questioned whether Lai Qingde was unknown, or did he have ulterior motives?

Chen Shikai, a spokesman for the Executive Yuan, responded that the "Suzhou Chongyue" under Chongyue Company only for the contracting wastewater treatment engineering business, not to assist China (mainland) to establish a wafer plant.