Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou on Monday (April 15), he wrote that he emphasized on the "Ma Xi Society" that if the two sides of the strait fall into war, it will be unbearable.President Lai Qingde guarantees that he will not take the road of independence in Taiwan and allows the two sides of the strait to return to the "1992 Consensus" on the common political foundation.

Ma Ying -jeou said in Facebook to review the "Ma Xi Erhui" that he told Mainland Chinese President Xi Jinping that "the two sides should cherish the value and lifestyle of each other", "If the two sides of the strait are caught in war, it will be the Chinese nation."Unbearable emphasis" "Chinese people on both sides of the strait have enough wisdom and peaceful handling disputes."

He wrote: "Mr. Xi also emphasized that although the two sides of the strait are different, as long as they have common national identity and political foundation, they can sit down and resolve contradictions and accumulate mutual trust."

Ma Ying -jeou thanked Xi Jinping and the mainland's reception for this visit, and said: "He and Mr. Wang Huning and Mr. Cai Qi personally received our party in person, breaking the usual face -to -face interaction with Taiwan's young students, listening to Taiwanese students expressing their ideas and answering.It is believed that this is the highest sincerity and goodwill to Taiwan.It is confirmed that the two sides of the strait are not two countries, and the road of independence is not guaranteed to allow the two sides of the strait to return to the common political foundation '1992 Consensus', and to carry out various exchanges with peer and dignity. "

He believes that the world war is still frequent, and the two sides of the strait need to be peaceful.Security on both sides of the strait also guarantees regional security. I believe that this is what the United States and Europe are willing to see."Mr. Xi handed out olive branches to us. I sincerely look forward to the well -being of the people of Taiwan, President Lai Qingde's election can read the people and respond pragmatically.P>

Ma Ying -jeou visited mainland China from April 1st to 11th.After returning to Taiwan, he emphasized that as long as he has a common political foundation and 1992 consensus, the two sides can continue to talk.