Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng revealed in the Legislative Yuan that more than 400 foreign guests will attend the presidential inauguration ceremony on May 20.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Dongsen News reported that Wu Zhaozheng was invited to the Legislative Yuan Foreign and National Defense Commission on Monday (April 15) to report the specific results of Taiwan's international cooperation and future goals and inquiries.

When the DPP legislator Lin Chuyin was concerned, when the quasi -vice president Xiao Meiqin visited the Czech Republic in March, he was followed by the military diplomat in mainland China.Go to the mainland.

Wu Zhaozheng responded to this that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not feel the pressure on the foreign guest part of the 520 invitation.He pointed out that the AIA country was very enthusiastic this time. The foreign guests at Taiwan were very high and there were many people. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was worried that the service energy was insufficient. They also mobilized manpower to return to Taiwan from other units and even overseas.

Wu Zhaozheng introduced that as of now, more than 400 foreign guests are expected to go to Taiwan to attend the inauguration ceremony, including the positive and deputy heads of eight countries.

Looking back on May 20, 2016, when Tsai Ing -wen won the president for the first time, a total of 700 foreign guests from 59 countries went to Taiwan to attend the inaugural ceremony, with the scale exceeding previous years.