Former President Ma Ying-jeou in Taiwan returned to Taiwan, it is recommended that you are about to be in 5On the 20th, the president Lai Qingde, who was in office on the 20th , can confirm that the two sides of the strait are not two countries based on the "Constitution No. 1" structure, and ensure that the "Taiwan independence" road is not taken, and the olive branch of China's officially responded to the official response.

Qiu Xuankun, Honorary Professor of Politburo, who accompanied Ma Ying -jeou to visit the mainland, pointed out to Lianhe Zaobao that the most important impact of Ma Ying -jeou's trip is that as long as it is acknowledged as the Chinese nation, he can be the basis for communication and communication between the two parties; this also helps Lai Qingde "bridge", Subsequent depending on Lai Qingde's choice.

Ma Ying -jeou led young students to visit the mainland in early April and met with Chinese officials.Chinese officials mentioned in the "Xi Ma Second Association" that

Ma Ying -jeou posted on Facebook on Monday (April 15) to bomb the Iranian Embassy in Syria from Israel. Iran first bombed Israel to retaliate for the first time, emphasizing how valuable peace and dialogue are.

Ma Ying -jeou said that he told Chinese officials that "the two sides should cherish the value and lifestyle of each other", "If the two sides of the strait are caught in war, it will be an unbearable important emphasis on the Chinese nation", "Chinese on both sides of the strait have enough wisdom and peaceful handling disputes disputes."" ".Chinese officials also emphasized that although the two sides of the strait are different, as long as they have common national identity and political foundation, they can sit down and resolve contradictions and accumulate mutual trust.

Therefore, Ma Ying -jeou suggested that Lai Qingde follow the Constitution of the Republic of China and confirm that the two sides of the strait are not two countries in accordance with the "One Middle School" structure of the Constitution, and ensure that they do not follow the road of Taiwan independence.The dignity has developed various exchanges. Fang is the fortune of Taiwan's safety and the blessing of the people on both sides of the strait.

The current DPP's current Cai Yingwen has never publicly recognized the "1992 Consensus" since taking office in 2016; Lai Qingde, who claims to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", is even more difficult to recognize the "1992 Consensus".

Qiu Xuankun said in an interview with this newspaper that Ma Ying -jeou's most important thing is that as long as it is recognized as the Chinese nation, it can be used as the basis for communication between the two sides.Put the future of both sides of the strait on the vast number of young people.

He said that China's official statement is indeed more relaxed than in the past, because Lai Qingde will not recognize the "1992 Consensus" at all.Don't pass, it's your choice. "

Ma Ying -jeou Foundation CEO Xiao Xucen attended the WAC Think Tank Forum on Saturday (April 13), saying that the Kuomintang did not fully support Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu.Is it?If even the "Chinese nation" dare not say, the Kuomintang's future election is considered.

The Kuomintang issued a press release the next day that the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun and the Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang Xia Liyan publicly supported Ma Ying -jeou to visit the mainland.

Xiao Xucen clarified on Monday that he refers to the unwilling to interview in the Kuomintang Party, or the previous program discussed the "1992 Consensus" and the same belonging to the Chinese nation.He believes that this is dangerous and is not conducive to future elections.