Fu Kunzheng, the general summoned by the Kuomintang group in Taiwan, said that he would visit Mainland China on May 20 to promote the dialogue and peace of China before he took office on May 20th in Taiwan.Essence

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan China Times Freedom Times and the Central News Agency, Fu Kunzheng confirmed in an interview with the Legislative Yuan on Wednesday (April 17) that he would led the Kuomintang legislators to visit the mainland by May 20.

Fu Kunzheng said that now is a very important critical moment, the DPP government pushes both sides of the strait to the murderous war. Foreign media have reported that cross -strait relations are very tight.The Taiwan Strait is the third most likely to detonate.

He pointed out that the people only rescued themselves in the case of cross -strait exchanges.Nowadays, the tourism industry is not just a cold winter, and a large number of tide may occur. Many agricultural and fishery products cannot market the mainland because they cannot communicate good on both sides of the strait.Taiwan's hundred workers and hundred industries are urgently hoped that cross -strait exchanges can be exchanged. The people can interact with each other and share peace dividends.

Fu Kunzheng said that before Lai Qingde was in office, if the opposition party could work harder and promote the ease of the cross -strait situation, I believe that Taiwan's hundred workers and hundred industries can bloom in spring."Members of Congress should take responsibility. The government does not do it by ourselves to promote cross -strait peace."

For a visit to the group during the meeting of the Legislative Yuan, the DPP may have the advantage of the number of people in the Legislative Yuan.As long as the Democratic Progressive Party dares to sneak attack, the Kuomintang Group will correct it in the next hospital without any damage.If the DPP dares to commit crimes, the Kuomintang team will immediately use color, and no bill will be affected by delay, and they will not worry about the DPP group for sneak attacks.

Fu Kunzheng said that since the Legislative Yuan has held a discussion, several attacks on the Democratic Progressive Party have been quickly corrected by the Kuomintang Group, and called on the DPP to generally call the DPP led by Ke Jianming.The Minsheng Act and major government reform matters.

Wu Siyao, the director of the Democratic Progressive Party Legislative Yuan, said on Wednesday that the Democratic Progressive Party delegation respects the delegation to visit Lu Yu, but now it is during the meeting period of the Legislative Yuan.Division, we must do a good job of supervision and ask politics carefully.

Wu Siyao said that Fu Kunzheng was the party whip of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan. He led the delegation to the mainland and was attracted by all walks of life.When entering the party, you must be annoying to remind the Kuomintang group. What you say meets social expectations and convey the correct information of the public opinion in Taiwan, so that you should go to the mainland to exchange back to the essence of exchange, and do not have too much political intent.

Wu Siyao pointed out that according to the information revealed by the media, members of the visit to Lu, including the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun, former Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang Hao Longbin, and Wang Jinping, former president of the Legislative Yuan.The Democratic Progressive Party adheres to the same position, calling on the Kuomintang to say that it is correct for Taiwan to say that it is correct for Taiwan, and advocate Taiwan's sovereignty and maintain the subjectivity of Taiwan.