On the eve of the National Security Education Day of Mainland China on April 15, the National Security Education Day launched a special program to review major spy cases, including the case of Taiwanese scholar Zheng Yuqin.Zheng Yuqin was said to be the assistant to Zhuo Rongtai, the president of Taiwan.

The Ministry of National Security of the Mainland said on Sunday (April 14) in a program launched on WeChat public account that Zheng Yuqin was from Kaohsiung, Taiwan.During his doctoral degree, he met with the staff of the National Security Bureau of Taiwan and sent the initiative to send his own intelligence agency to study the article to the other party.

The program said that Zheng Yuqin returned to Taiwan four years later and met the relevant personnel of the Military Intelligence Bureau.The other party proposed that Zheng Yuqin created opportunities to collect information to the mainland.In order to complete the task, Zheng Yuqin has collected intelligence in mainland China many times, and has a good -looking mainland personnel for the Taiwanese intelligence agencies.

The Ministry of National Security of the Mainland said that the Taiwan Military Intelligence Bureau set up the "China -Europe Political Economic Research Institute" in the Czech Republic under the suggestion of Zheng Yuqin, allowing Zheng Yuqin to serve as the person in charge of the institute in order to collect intelligence.Zheng Yuqin appeared on the show, and said, "The title of the director can participate in more international organization meetings for me."

The program said that Zheng Yuqin later used the title and Charlie University professor to be a professor.Participate in international meetings, collect and understand the country's views on major matters in mainland China politics, national defense, technology, military industry and other fields, and establish contact and obtain information with participating scholars in mainland China.Zheng Yuqin was also accused of taking advantage of various opportunities to Panla's mainland China embassy embassies, overseas Chinese community, and public service group.As of the incident, the Taiwan intelligence agency issued a total of NT $ 2.76 million (S $ 110,000) to Zheng Yuqin.

The Ministry of National Security of the Mainland said that when Zheng Yuqin entered the Greater China in April 2019, he was arrested by the mainland national security organs for suspected spy, and was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2022.

CCTV reported in 2020 that Zheng Yuqin was former assistant to DPP Chairman Zhuo Rongtai. He was arrested by the national security organs for espionage in the mainland and said that Zheng Yuqin's Taiwan independence thought has beenThere is great ambition on the career.Zheng Yuqin also appeared on related programs, and said: "My plan is to have one day to enter the National Security Conference of the Presidential Palace and serve as a consulting member."

In addition to Zheng Yuqin's case, the Ministry of National Security of the Mainland also alsoOn the special programs launched on April 14, the Kang Mingkai, Michael and Liang Chengyun were reviewed.