On Wednesday (April 3), the size of the Richee scale in the Hualien Out Sea of ​​Hualien, Taiwan, continued to have a continued aftershocks after a strong earthquake. According to the statistics of the local Meteorological Department, after 74 hours, the aftershocks have exceeded 600 times.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Central News Agency reported that the statistics of the Central Meteorological Department of Taiwan show that as of 10 am as of 10 am on Saturday (6th), 603 aftershocks occurred from 74 hours after the main shock, of which the scale was 6 to 6 to toThere are twice of the aftershocks of the seven, 21 to six shocks, 21 times, 191 times to four to four, and 389 times with a scale of four to three.

According to the Meteorological Department, at 1:25 pm on Saturday, 24.3 kilometers in the North and North East of the Hualien County Government, located in the offshore of Hualien County, occurred in the Rician scale 4.2 earthquake, and the depth of the earthquake was 20.5 kilometers.

As of now, the maximum seizure of the largest earthquake in Hualien County, the largest seizure of the largest seizure of Yilan County, the largest seizure level in Nantou County, and the maximum shock level in Taichung City.

The Meteorological Department said that the significant earthquake, including the main earthquake, a total of 140 earthquakes, and the community seismic 489 times.