Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan ended the three -day visit to Singapore and returned to Taiwan on the morning of Saturday (April 6).In an interview with Taoyuan Airport, she said that the trip of Singapore's visit was fruitful and beyond expectations.

Comprehensive Taiwan Freedom Times and Zhongtian News reported that Lu Xiuyan said that the enthusiastic and comprehensive reception of the Singapore government made this visit very smoothly, the results were rich, and even more than expected. She expressed her gratitude to this.

Lu Xiuyan said that she witnessed the correct development direction of the Singaporean government and the correct development direction, and at the same time high efficiency. In addition, the people -oriented, making the country's development very fast and worthy of reference.In addition, Taiwan and Singapore have deep friendship, and they should cherish that in the future, we must strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

A strong earthquake in Hualien before visiting Singapore, Lu Xiuyan said that before the plane took off, she asked the city colleagues to understand the situation as soon as possible. After arriving in Singapore, he immediately found a place in the airport to host the second place in Taichung City.Class -based video conferences arrange the construction bureau to test the safety of the bridge, as well as protective measures for other units.She thanked the city colleagues to keep their posts during her visit and guard the citizens of Taichung.

Lu Xiuyan said in an interview before the municipal meeting on Tuesday (2nd) that she would visit Singapore for three days on Wednesday (3rd).Sustainable development, renewable energy, tough disaster prevention and other large -scale exchanges.

Singapore Sustainable Development and Environment Minister Fu Haiyan on social platforms on Saturday shared her situation when she met with Lu Xiuyan.Fu Haiyan said that when she met with Lu Xiuyan, she expressed her condolences to the Hualien earthquake disaster and shared Singapore's efforts to support green transformation.