The official Taiwan official Thursday (April 4) reported that the three major scientific parks in the local area, namely Hsinchu Science Park, Central Science Park, and factories in the southern science park, resumed or restored normal operations.

The Taiwan Free Times reported that there are many companies in the three major scientific parks involving precision and semiconductors.

The Taiwan Science and Technology Council (National Science Council) published a statement on the official website of the manufacturer's restoration states that after the strong earthquake, the chairman of the National Science Council instructed the three Science Park Administration to ensure that the park's water, electricity, and electricity, andThe safety and stability of infrastructure such as gas and transportation, and continue to pay attention to the impact of the earthquake on various manufacturers and provide necessary assistance.

The National Science and Technology Council reports that most factories have completed the resumption of the wafers and panel manufacturing factories in the Bamboo Science Park, and the factory has been operated normally.Can be operated normally.The manufacturers have returned to their posts one after another.

The manufacturers of Zhongke Park are mainly photoelectric, semiconductor, and precision machinery industries.According to the National Science Council, the manufacturers have returned after the aircraft's machines were shut down; 90 % of the high -precision machines of the semiconductor factory have been resumed, and some machines are adjusted. It is expected that the normal operation can be completed on Thursday (4th).As for the Nanke Park, the main factory buildings have been restored to normal operations.

The National Science Council emphasized that the high -tech manufacturer's factory building in the science park has earthquake resistance and shock absorption design. The equipment and machines used by the process are equipped with a protective device.Personnel evacuation measures to ensure safety and avoid the impact of disasters.

The Taiwan wafer leader factories have announced earlier that within 10 hours after the earthquake occurred, the recovery rate of the wafer plant equipment has exceeded 70%.The recovery rate of the factory has more than 80 %.A small number of equipment in some factory areas is damaged and affects the production of some production lines, but the main machines include all extremely ultraviolet light -carved equipment without damage.