(Hualien/Taipei Comprehensive News) Taiwan Hualien After the earthquake, multiple mines in the mountains were paralyzed, dozens of miners were trapped, and a helicopter in Taiwan rescued six trapped miners on Thursday (April 4) in the morning.Essence

Comprehensive joint newspapers, reports, Dongsen News, Central News Agency, and Reuters reported that the Taiwan Air Force Corps dispatched the Black Eagle helicopter on the same day to perform the rescue operation of six trapped personnel in the Ren Mining Area.

Video shows that the first round of the rescue personnel rely on ropes tied to the body to hang the helicopter, and three miners were hung.The helicopter was equipped with the miner landing next to the barbarian stadium nearby, and the local fire department ambulance was taken to the medical treatment.Helicopter rescuers then returned to the mine to open the second round of rescue, and rescued three other miners in the same way.

According to statistics from the Taiwan Central Disaster Response Center, as of 4:25 pm on Thursday, the total earthquake caused a total of 10 deaths, 1067 injuries, 660 people who were trapped and 38 people lost contact.

A 64 -year -old miner who was saved by the helicopter recalled that after the earthquake, the falling stone was "like a bullet", which made people have nowhere to escape. He also witnessed that someone had no time to be buried by the earth and stones.He said that many young workers met the earthquake for the first time, and they all cried and could not sleep all night.

The old miner who had experienced the 921 earthquake bluntly stated that although he was not scared this time, the frequent aftershocks all day made him difficult to sleep overnight.

According to statistics from the Hualien County Fire Bureau, 17 people who were trapped in the Ren Mining Area were removed from the helicopter on the morning of the morning. One person was killed and the body was hung away.Go down the mountain and finally get out of trouble.