Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, said that after the end of the Taiwan election in 2024, the United States attaches more importance to Taiwan's incense. This trip will explain the future direction of the Kuomintang to the United States.

Comprehensive Taiwan Media jointly reported that the former president of Taiwan, Ma Ying -jeou, to visit mainland China, Xia Liyan went to the United States for 10 days from Thursday (April 4).This is the first time that the KMT has sent a delegation to visit the United States after the Taiwan election ended in January this year.

As for the consideration of visiting the United States after the selection, Xia Liyan said in an interview in the San Francisco Bay Area in the United States that in order to show the Kuomintang's importance to the United States, "naturally comes."

Xia Liyan said, whether it is committed to Taiwan's security commitment or provides defensive weapons, the United States is a very important friend of the Kuomintang.At the same time, the United States is also an important place for the Taiwan market, studying abroad, and transfer of science and technology. Therefore, this visit naturally shows the Kuomintang's attention to the United States and "bilateral bilateral".

Xia Liyan reiterated that since Ma Ying -jeou has served as Taiwan, the Kuomintang's foreign policy is "pro -American, friendly, and Lu". At the same timeWill continue to maintain a channel for friendly dialogue.

He said that the results of this election in Taiwan have made the United States more importance to the power of the opposition party. In the future, how to cooperate between the Blue and Green Party to compete for competition and effectively check and balance each other.Essence

Xia Liyan's visit to the United States, just as Ma Ying -jeou led Taiwan Youth to visit mainland China.Some public opinion questioned that Xia Liyan's trip interested in balanced Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu, but Xia Liyan denied on Thursday that it was only a coincidence of time, and he had never deliberately balanced anything.

Xia Liyan visited the San Francisco and visited the Kuomintang General Branch in the United States.Communicate.