The Danish government has recently changed the annotation of the birthplace of Taiwan's residence permit to "China". Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng called on Denmark to respect the free will of the Taiwanese people and face the internationally recognized fact that cross -strait is not affiliated with each other.

According to the news on Thursday (April 4) of the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wu Zhaoxuan accepted the above statements in an interview with the BerlingSke reporter Alexander SJ? Berg in Taiwan on March 29.The content of the interview has been published on Wednesday (April 3) based on the title of "Taiwan Foreign Minister: China is preparing to use Danish decisions" as the front page of Belin Times.

Wu Zhaoyi said in the interview that the current democratic camp unite and confront the expansion of authoritarian authority. I hope that Denmark will be a model of democratic countries, respect the self -owned will of the people of Taiwan, and let the people of Taiwan freely choose how to name them.

Wu Zhaozheng said that the people of Taiwan admire Denmark and many European countries' support for Ukraine."Like Russia's invasion of Ukraine, China is also trying to swallow Taiwan. If Denmark believes that Taiwan should be regarded as part of China, it is used by China, providing legal discussions that have sovereignty in Taiwan, making China more rationalized at an attempt to move Taiwan martial arts"

Wu Zhaozheng emphasized that marking Taiwan as part of mainland China had a profound impact on the international community, hoping that the European people would support Taiwan's coercion to fight authority.

Wu Zhaozheng quoted the "Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) report that the European Parliament passed in February this year, saying that the report clearly states that mainland China has no international law base for territorial claims in Taiwan.The two sides of the strait are not affiliated with each other, and only the Taiwan -elected government can represent the international people internationally, so as to call on Denmark to stand in the same position as the EU. Like other EU countries, Taiwan is "Taiwan" instead of "China".

According to the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this report also quoted Danish Foreign Minister Lars L? KKE Rasmussen responded to the residence permit incident that he would understand the original committee of the incident and noted the search for the place of birth of Taiwanese as "China's "" plan is open.