(Taipei Comprehensive News) The next day after the election of the Taiwan election, a senior American delegation consisting of former senior officials arrived in Taiwan; many Western countries also expressed their statements on Taiwan elections.Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warns that any "Taiwan independence" operation will be severely punished.

Holding a general election on Saturday (January 13), Lai Qingde, the DPP Lai QingdeAnd Xiao Meiqin was elected as Zhengzheng and Vice President .

The United States subsequently sent a former senior officials to visit Taiwan as a private person. Members of the delegation arrived in Taipei one after another on Sunday evening, including former national security adviser Hardley, former deputy Secretary of State Stan Bog, and the chairman of the United States Association (AIT) RosenbergThe grid accompanied.According to AIT news, the delegation will meet with political leaders from all walks of life on Monday.

According to the Financial Times report, the Chinese Embassy in the United States has previously opposed the interview.NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> and urge the United States not to send an error signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces .

U.S. Secretary of State Brills issued a statement after the results of the election in Taiwan on Saturday, congratulating Lai Qingde to win the election, describing "the people of Taiwan once again showed the stability and solidity of its democratic system and election procedures."The statement emphasizes that the United States is committed to maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and ensuring that differences are solved in a peaceful way without coercion and stress.


Statement also said that he looked forward to cooperating with Lai Qingde and the leaders of Taiwan's political parties to pursue common interests and values ​​together, and promote the long -lasting unofficial relationship of the United States and Taiwan.

In addition to the United States, many Western countries have also congratulated Taiwan after being elected, but some countries are cautious.

British Foreign Minister Cameron congratulated the people of Taiwan to hold elections smoothly, and Congratulations to Lai Qingde and his party.He said that this election is a vibrant evidence of Taiwan's vibrant democracy; he hopes that the two sides of the strait will continue to work hard to solve different differences through constructive dialogue and avoid threats, force or coercion.

The Japanese Foreign Minister Uenagawa Yoshiko congratulated Lai Qingde's election and Taiwan's democratic elections successfully.She said that Japan's expectation of problems around Taiwan can be solved peacefully through dialogue, thereby contributing to regional peace and stability.

In the statement, the EU "congratulated all voters who participated in this democratic activity", but did not mention the candidate or Lai Qingde.The German and French statements congratulated all the voters and candidates who participated in the election, and the candidate, and did not mention the names of Lai Qingde.

The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that he hopes to expand his relationship with Taiwan under the "one China" policy framework, call on the two sides of the strait to further advance the efforts to restart dialogue, and emphasize that "the status quo can only be changed through peaceful and mutually consent."The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on all parties to respect the status quo, hoping that the two sides of the strait can resume dialogue, and expressed their hope to continue to develop relations between Taiwan under the "one China" policy.

A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zaharava, said that Russia still regards Taiwan as an indispensable part of China.

Beijing has repeatedly re -approved Lai Qingde as "stubborn Taiwan independence elements", and refer to the combination of Qingde and Xiao Meiqin as "independence and independence".According to Agence France -Presse, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Foreign Minister of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China on Egypt, said at a joint press conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Schryli on Sunday: "If anyone on the island of Taiwan wants to be independent, it is to split Chinese territory.It will be severely punished by history and law.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China said on Sunday that the US State Department on the statement of Taiwan's election "seriously violates the political, business and other non -official relationships with the United States only to maintain culture, business and other non -official relations", and accuses the United States of sending a serious seal to the "Taiwan independence" split forces to send serious serious sessions to the "Taiwan independence" split forces.Error signal.