Taiwan's 2024 election ended, and the legislature of the Legislative Yuan appeared in the third party and the three parties.It is the biggest suspense at the moment when the Kuomintang's first place is the first place in legislators of the Kuomintang as the Legislative Council.

The Kuomintang (blue) jumped into the largest party of the Legislative Yuan in this election, with 52 legislators, plus Chen Chaoming, a Kuomintang legislator who was elected with party membership because of the caseGao Jin Sumei, a party member of the party, has 54 seats in Panlan, only three seats away from half of the 57 seats.= NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> It is impossible to ensure that South Korean Yu can be sent to the Legislative Yuan's leader .

A total of 113 legislators of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, the president was generated by the legislators.If the Kuomintang is competing for the throne of the dean, it still has to be supported by other party legislators. The most likely object is the party legislators of the people.However, after the results of the election on Saturday (January 13) were announced, Kuomintang personnel andThe people's party regeneration .

The children of the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun, the party's 2024 campaign spokesman Ling Tao, will run the artillery mouth to the president of the party presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe, Huang Shanshan, who is elected as chief legislators of the notcho, accusing Huang Shanshan deceive the public with false polls.As a result, the "blue and white" breakthrough is the culprit that cannot achieve the rotation of political parties and removes the DPP.

Huang Shanshan burst into an insanity, does Ling Tao stand on behalf of Zhu Lilun?She also asked the Kuomintang across the air quality. If you want to cooperate, "How can you create an enemy between the allies you want to form? If you still have to cooperate with us in the Legislative Yuan now, should he (Ling Tao) attitude?"

On the other hand, there are also people who disappointed the election results to vent their anger to Ke Wenzhe Facebook, ridiculed that Ke Wenzhe heard a false poll provided by Huang Shanshan earlier, and was found "not wearing pants" after the election.Many people have accused Zhu Lilun of losing a win -win situation for their own selfishness. The Kuomintang appeared in the Kuomintang to ask Zhu Lilun to step down to take responsibility.

Ke Wenzhe on Sunday (January 14) on LINE posted "to start the reform of Congress and implement public opinion, it is me at this moment, the first priority."He convened the party's eight non -sectarian legislators to perform.

Among them, Huang Guochang, a newly elected legislator elected by the party, said that they have fully exchanged opinions on the re -election of the Legislative Dean and the allocation of matters in various committees and reached consensus.

The Democratic Progressive Party lost 10 seats this time, only 51 legislators, The disadvantage of the new president Lai Qingde will promote policies and strive for budget in the future.Lai Qingde has publicly stated that it will strengthen and communicate and communicate in the wild party.Some analysts believe that in addition to cooperating with the Blue Camp, the people's party can also cooperate with the ruling party in exchange for more resources. Ke Wenzhe is selling at the price.

Politics also reported that the DPP intends to fight for Huang Shanshan and the Legislative President You Xizheng to form a "Youhuang Bai", which blocks South Korean Yu as the Legislative Dean.

Ke Wenzhe was intended to serve as his deputy in the election process, but after the election, he also vaguely stated that whether South Korean Yu served as the Legislative Dean and was collectively decided by the people's party.Most of the commentators believe that Ke Wenzhe is raising the bargaining chips for "blue and white", and it does not rule out that there is "green and white" space in the Cabinet Personnel and Legislative Yuan.

In addition to the "hammer" and hosting and arranging discussions in the Legislative Yuan, the Taiwan Legislative Dean also has the function of communicating with external exchanges. For example, the Taiwan Democratic Foundation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has always been the chairman of the Legislative President.

Speaking of this, Lai Yizhong, the executive chief of the Vision Foundation, said at a seminar on Sunday that the Legislative Dean can dominate the operation of the Democratic Foundation. The Democratic President of the Democratic Progressive Party would be an anti -false country with the same concepts as other ideas.There are various issues such as information and media literacy, while the former president of the Kuomintang President Ma Ying -jeou has noticed more resources to improve cross -strait relations.Lai Yizhong analyzed that if the Legislative Dean was served by the Kuomintang, democratic affairs would not be prioritized.