After the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party won in the presidential election, Taiwan media reported that generally predicting that it would lead to response to economic, trade, military and other means in mainland China.Analysts predict that, in addition to expanding preferential tariff projects of the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), the mainland may also use Taiwan to operate the top 30 major products on land exports.

According to the Taiwan Economic Daily Sunday (January 14) reports, Yan Huixin, the senior deputy chief executive of the WTO and RTA of the Chinese Economics Institute, believes that mainland China must achieve a more obvious effect on the horse, and predict that the mainland will continue to continueExpanding sanctions, the degree of preferential tariffs on 12 petrochemical products on the ECFA earlier list of ECFA will not be canceled on New Year's Day this year. At that time, the "intimidation effect is greater than the essence". Of course, Taiwan's industry must be clearly impacted.

From January 1st this year, from January 1 this year, it has suspended 12 product tariffs on the two -strait economic cooperation framework of CEM and the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

After the mainland's Ministry of Commerce, before the Taiwan election, the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party government did not take any effective measures to cancel the trade restrictions on the mainland.It is said that the relevant departments are studying further measures such as tariffs such as agricultural and fishery, machinery, automotive parts, textiles and other measures to stop ECFA.

Among the petrochemical products that have been canceled before the preferential tariffs were canceled, three of them, namely methane, isoprene, and mixed dyshane. In recent yearszero.Yan Huixin speculates that the mainland will choose these three items because the industries in the mainland can be self -sufficient. There is no need to import from Taiwan. In addition, this moves Taiwan's essential "pain" is not too high, but there is a "expansion" sanctions impression.Effect.

Yan Huixin believes that the next approach to Beijing is to choose products that have an impact on Taiwan and make Taiwan feel pain, such as other petrochemical products, tool machines in ECFA, as well as metal products, cleaning products andCosmetics, etc., come again to export the top 30 major projects in the mainland, such as refined copper foil.