For the continued governance of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party government, Liu Zhaojia, a consultant of the China National Hong Kong and Macau Research Association, analyzed that Beijing does not have a "observation period" on the DPP and will continue to pressure Taiwan from various aspects.The stance of economic and trade exchanges against Taiwan will still follow mainland China.

The Ming Pao Sunday (January 14) quoted Liu Zhaojia that Hong Kong was influenced by Sino -US relations and cross -strait relations, and the Hong Kong government predicted that the Hong Kong government would be maintained on Taiwan's position.He analyzed that the DPP, which has not been obtained by the Legislative Yuan, has become a vulnerable government. It is estimated that Taiwan's provocations to Beijing will not be too extreme.At the same time, the mainland will continue to pressure Taiwan at the level of economy, military, and diplomacy, but it will not reach the level of martial arts Taiwan.

In addition, Liu Zhaojia expects that the Hong Kong government's economic and trade exchanges against Taiwan will still follow the mainland.

Qiu Weiguo, assistant professor of the Department of Political Science, Taiwan Soochow University, told Ming Ming that since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Taiwan has doubts about the Hong Kong political situation.There are too much change.

Qiu Weiguo said that even if Lai Qingde, chairman of the DPP, claimed to be a pragmatic Taiwan independent worker, Beijing's tendency to treat the Democratic Party is provocative.Therefore, the relationship between the Hong Kong government affected by the mainland will continue to be "pessimistic".

In the Taiwan election held by Lai Qingde on Saturday (January 13), won more than 5.58 million votes , and was elected president at 40.05 % of the votes in the triangle war.For the first time, the Democratic Progressive Party has been in power for more than eight consecutive years.At the same time, the Democratic Progressive Party lost 10 legislators and lost the advantages of more than half of the Legislative Yuan.

Lai Qingde promised at an international press conference after the victory that he would maintain the status quo in accordance with the "constitutional government system of the Republic of China".He emphasized that maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is his important mission.