(Beijing Comprehensive News) After the Taiwan DPP combination won the presidential election, the public opinion of mainland China questioned the voice of the mainland's policy on Taiwan.Hu Xi, the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times of the Mainland, criticized this view that this view is short -sighted and naive. He believes that the results of the elections have limited impact on the overall pattern of cross -strait sides. It is not important who has won the most important thing. The issue of Taiwan should be handled by a professional team.

Hu Xi entered Sunday (January 14) posted on a social platform, arguing that the Taiwan issue did not affect the development of mainland China.He analyzed that the use of Taiwan's issue as a leverage of Chinese development is one of the biggest goals that hinder the unity of both sides of the strait.

Hu Xijin said that the power pattern of the Taiwan Strait has been fundamentally reversed, and the so -called "status quo" in the past has been completely broken, and at the same time, the cross -strait economy has been deeply intertwined.He said that the growth of the mainland's economic and strength has made more favorable choices for Taiwan's policies, and its strategic initiative in the Taiwan Strait is becoming more and more overwhelming.How to solve the Taiwan problem, and how to coordinate it with Directed by the mainland .

Hu Xijin said that peace reunification does not only rely on the return of the Taiwan people, but the premise of strength and force options.He said that Lai Qingde delivered a speech after he was elected, "the speech dare not be as arrogant as before." shows the fear of the strength of the mainland.

In response to the sound of "Wu Tong", Hu Xijin did not support the online "immediately play" as the patriotic standard, saying that it would cause misleading, distorting the public opinion field , the result may cause damage to both national and public interests.He emphasized when the use of force is a major military and political decision -making, and should not be controlled by online public opinion.

Hu Xijin believes that people can have different opinions, but the final decision should be determined by the professional team, and people should trust and support.He praised the team to firmly safeguard national interests in the past few years, and continuously expand new front lines and spaces to solve Taiwan problems.He called on the public to grasp the overall situation, and he must not only pay attention to the surface.