For the geopolitical risks that may be generated after the selection of Taiwan, the famous American political scholar Larry Diamond, Sunday (January 14), pointed out that Beijing must promote the unified process.At the same time, we will strengthen preparations and build safety and toughness.

In the Taiwan election, The "eight -year spells" of various political parties in governance for two sessions are governed by 12 years.However, due to Beijing's independence of Taiwan's independence of Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin, which were elected to the DPP, and vice presidential and vice presidents, analysis generally believed that cross -strait relations will further deteriorate.

Bonnie Glaser, Director of the Asian Project of the Marshall Foundation in Washington, Washington, wrote on Saturday that the official contact with the Chinese government in mainland China was unlikely to restart official contact with the Taiwan government for eight years, because Beijing took Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin LielFor the Taiwan independence group; Lai Qingde's winning election disappointed Beijing, but it would not make them surprise.

Ge Laiyi pointed out that Chinese officials hope to maintain the fragility and stability of Sino -US relations reached after the meeting of the two countries last November. This may be one of the factors that he does not take extremely severe measures against Taiwan, at least this year.

She also mentioned that , but at least in the next few years, it is unlikely that the military force is facing or forced unification.Chinese officials will focus on economic issues and army corruption, because he may understand that the general martial arts generals are not conducive to the primary task of allowing China to complete national rejuvenation in the middle of this century.

For the situation of Lu Meitai, Dai Yimen, a senior researcher at the Hoover Research Institute of Stanford University in the United States, also mentioned that Beijing is facing severe economic issues and the army has fallen into turbulence at the post -selection symposium held at the Taiwan National Policy Research Institute on Sunday.The priority is to ensure stability of China -Europe and Sino -US relations, and there is no need to detonate crisis in the strait.

He believes that if Taiwan's election President Lai Qingde can continue to be cautious and restraint, it may allow the Taiwan Strait to cool down and even promote communication.

Daiya Men is a well -known democratic theoretical scholar. He has studied democratic development and democratic transformation of various countries for many years, and has been responsible for Stanford University's Taiwan Democratic Research Program (Program on Democracy in Taiwan) for 10 years.

However, Dai Yamen also pointed out that Chinese officials have stated that the two sides of the strait must be unified. "He will not wait for this incident indefinitely. Obviously, he intends to achieve this goal during his period of time."After that, you can continue to maintain the status quo.

Therefore, Dai Yamen believes that there are many jobs in Taiwan to do, including strengthening energy toughness, grain toughness, modern power grid, etc., may also consider obtaining the network through larger satellite communication.

However, Daiymen admits that neither Taiwan and the United States are prepared.He reminded that if Taiwan does not improve energy toughness as soon as possible, it will soon be defeated when facing coercion.

He for example, said that the working group of the Hoover Institute spent a lot of time review, thinking that Taiwan does not use nuclear energy to achieve energy toughness; and to reach energy toughness, it must not just turn off the remaining nuclear power plants.New nuclear power plant.

Daiya Men said that there is no other choice in Taiwan. "If it wants to defend and scare attacks, it must look more like Israel, not a postmodern society that only wants to live with the world peacefully."

He also strongly supports the United States and Taiwan to produce weapons, especially in Taiwan to produce some missiles and even javelin missiles in Taiwan.

Daiyamen also quoted the late American President Old Roosevelt's famous saying "Wen Yan is in the mouth, and the stick is in hand" (Speak Softly and Carry A Big Stick, which means that the Bayeon government follows this route and does not take provocative measures.At the same time, the United States still needs to take feasible actions, including military preparation, weapon procurement, and social organization mobilization, making Taiwan more secure, more secure and tough.