(Taipei Comprehensive News) In order to cope with the shortage of labor and strengthen economic connection with India, Taiwan plans to introduce tens of thousands of Indian workers, which may cause a strong response in mainland China.

Bloomberg reported on Friday (November 10), quoted by sources that Taiwan considers hiring as many as 100,000 Indian workers to work in factories, farms and hospitals.It is expected that the two parties will sign the relevant agreement in December.

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Bagch said on November 9 that India and Taiwan are negotiating in the final stage of the employment agreement.

Sanli News Network has been confirmed after the Development Department of the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Labor, and the two parties are expected to sign a memorandum of cooperation (MOU) before the end of the year, involving manufacturing, construction, agriculture, institutional care and family care.Indian workers will be introduced after the agreement is signed, and the specific timetable has not been determined.Chen Jianren, the president of Taiwan, said on November 10 that both Taiwan and India agreed to strengthen cooperation and would decide the industry category according to the needs of the industry in the island.

Taiwan and India also signed a bilateral investment security agreement in 2018.China Times News Network reported that some Taiwanese people had concerns about the introduction of Indian workers due to frequent sexual assaults in India.

It is reported that the unemployment rate in Taiwan has dropped to the lowest level since 2000, and it is expected that the elderly population will exceed one -fifth of the total population by 2025.In order to support the economy of US $ 790 billion (about S $ 1075.1 billion), Taiwan urgently needs labor to provide Indian workers with the same salary and insurance policy as local employees.This is different from the agreement reached by India and other countries, which has enhanced the attractiveness of Taiwan.

India has surpassed China to become the country with the largest population in the world, but its economic growth cannot provide sufficient employment opportunities for millions of young people entering the labor market each year. The government is promoting the signing of employment agreements with developed regions facing aging problems.India did not reiterate the "one middle" position in public documents, but instead changed to establish positive unofficial relations with Taiwan.Bloomberg pointed out that this may exacerbate the geopolitical tension with China.

Since the worst conflict of the China -India border in 40 years in 2020, the relationship between the two sides has continued to be tense.The three former land -sea and air chiefs of India visited Taiwan in August this year and participated in security dialogue, which caused Beijing to oppose it.