The United States issued a warning before the North Korean leader Kim Jong -un and Russian President Putin held a summit. North Korea's transfer of weapons to Russia will violate a number of UN Security Council resolutions, and the United States will not hesitate to sanction more sanctions on North Korea.

The Photo posted photos on Tuesday (September 12), which shows that Kim Jong -un appeared on Sunday afternoon to his dark green special list "Sun".The Kremlin spokesman Peskov announced on Monday that Kim Jong -un will make a formal visit to Russia and will have one -on -one talks with Putin.

Reuters reported that the US State Department spokesman Miller said on Monday: "Of course, we have imposed severe sanctions on entities that support the Russian war. We will continue to impose these sanctions and will not hesitate to adopt appropriate new sanctionsAction. "

Miller also said: "For the long -lasting Ukrainian war, Putin, who is helpless, rushed to ask for help with a person who was abandoned by the international community. I would describe him with begging."

Kim Jong -un and Putin discussed that North Korea provided weapons to Russia to support Russia's war in Ukraine.

BBC said that Putin and Kim Jong -un will meet on Tuesday as soon as possible and verify that the Sun is driving to Russia.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, South Korean government officials and other sources said that when Kim Jong -un visited Russia in March 2019, the solar set off from Pyongyang to the direction of Vladivostok (China Vladivosto) in the northeast.Pyongyang is 1200 kilometers away from Vladivostok. Due to the poor situation of the North Korean railway and the train is slow, in 2019, Kim Jong -un took nearly one day.

It is expected that Kim Jong -un will arrive at Vladivostok late at night or late on the 11th or late 12.

North Korea has tested a variety of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles in recent years, and it also tested the hypersonic missile and submarine launch missiles.North Korea successfully fired a hypersonic missile on January 5, 2022.It is reported that the newly developed missiles developed by the North Korean Academy of Defense for 700 kilometers and successfully hit the existing target.