The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Summit was unveiled on Hiroshima, Japan on Friday (May 19), and discussed the global economic situation and the Ukraine War on the first day.The participating leaders issued a statement later to increase export control to Russia.The joint bulletin that was released on the day emphasized that dependence on trade with China must be reduced.

G7's statement against Russia reiterated that Russia's invasion of Ukraine violated the UN Charter; the statement required Russia to withdraw troops in an unconditional.

Statement shows that the Congress has taken new measures for sanctions to prevent Russia from obtaining materials used for battlefields and blocking the loopholes of Russia to avoid sanctions; countries must further reduce the dependence of the international community to Russia's energy, and restrict Russia entering the international financial systemEssence

On the first day of the G7 summit, the United States and Britain took the lead in expanding sanctions on Russia.The United States announced that 71 entities in Russia and other countries were included in the business blacklist to prevent Russia from getting materials on the battlefield.The United States has also announced about 300 new sanctions to deal with Russia -related individuals, entities, ships and planes.

Britain also announced that 86 military industrial complexes related to Russian President Putin were included in the blacklist, as well as companies that sanction and theft of Ukrainian grains and transportation companies related to Russian energy.In addition, Britain will regulate the import of Russian metal products, including aluminum, diamonds, copper and nickel ore to weaken Russia's ability to raise funds.

Zelei went to Hiroshima to analyze: making sanctions on Russia more convincing

British Prime Minister Sonak said at the summit: "This is to make Russia pay the price, I hope that the partners can follow to increase sanctions."

G7 also promised that this year and early next year provide the required budget support for Ukraine.

It is reported that Ukrainian President Zelei Sky will come to Japan on Saturday to participate in the G7 Hiroshima Summit on Sunday.Some analysts pointed out that Zelezzky's arrival will make the G7's sanctions on Russia more convincing.

The draft G7 summit buses released on Friday show that countries are worried about China's "economic stress".All countries have shown that it is necessary to reduce dependence on trade with China, but at the same time, it shows that it must have the relationship between "constructive and stable" with China.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States is the initial leader of diplomatic diplomacy

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pointed out at a regular press conference on the 19th that in fact, the United States is the originator of coercion diplomacy.The invention, patent rights, and intellectual property rights of coercion diplomacy are the United States.Wang Wenbin pointed out that in the past 10 years, China's average contribution rate to world economic growth has exceeded the sum of the G7 countries.He said that the world can't get rid of hooks, and there is no need to "de -risk" aimed at China.What the world needs is "de -ideological", "de -campization" and "de -lap".

Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi arranged the G7 summit in Hiroshima, and his biggest wish was to promote the "nuclear weapon world".Before the summit was held, he arranged for other six countries to work with him to enter the nuclear explosion in the Hiroshima Hiroshima Heping Memorial Park and donated flowers in the Peace Memorial Park, and then took the first group photo of the G7 Hiroshima Summit.

The G7 leaders, including the United States, Britain, and French nuclear countries, appeared for the first time in the explosion of the atomic bomb. Bynden was the president of the United States after the 2016 Obama and the second person who personally visited the memorial.

On the same day, the summit also issued a statement on the nuclear disarmament based on Kishida's proposed Hiroshima Action Plan. In addition to condemning Russia for nuclear threats, it also expressed concern about North Korean nuclear missiles and China nuclear arsenal.The statement emphasizes adherence to the nuclear non -diffusion system and calls for the world nuclear arsenal.