In response to the blue -and -white integration proposed by former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou in a national adjustment method, Ke Wenzhe, a presidential candidate for the Taiwanese party, issued a commitment saying that as long as the Kuomintang and President Hou Youyi candidate are willing to integrate the national adjustment method to integrate the national adjustment method,The two parties can immediately restore political party consultations.

The "blue and white" integration of the Kuomintang and the People's Party, because it is impossible to determine who is the chief, fall into a deadlock.Ma Ying -jeou Foundation CEO Xiao Xuzen's idea of conveying Ma Ying -jeou on Friday (November 10), saying that he can use "Hou Ke" or "Ke Hou Biao" to compare with "Lai Xiao Bai".To win the "Lai Xiao Bao", in which method is integrated.

He has highly supported and agreed on Facebook's previous post on Facebook.

Ke Wenzhe's campaign office issued a statement on Friday afternoon saying that he thanked Ma Ying -jeou and South Korea Yu and solemnly promised, "As long as the Kuomintang and President Hou Youyi candidate are willing to integrate in the" whole polls' method, the two parties canImmediately restore the 'political party negotiation', so that the leaders in the field will take the will of the whole people as their will, and use modern science as the method, and the whole people will witness the integration process and live up to public opinion. "

He thanked Ma Ying -jeou in response"In the future, the country and Cangsheng think of the differences between the party and the door, and personally call on the field party to integrate in rational, pragmatic, and scientific ways, strive for middle voters' identification, and seek long -term stability in Taiwan. "

He also thanked South Korea Yu.The echo to Ma Ying -jeou also stated that "only the integration method that is open and transparent and convinced can truly complete the ultimate goal of the 2024 political party rotation, and start a new page for Taiwan's democracy."

Hou Youyi on Friday morning on Friday morningIn response to Ma Ying -jeou's notice, he responded that he respected everyone's opinions and had entered the party to negotiate. The more he hoped that the faster, the better, and the (integrated) method found out.

In response to the method of elected and vice presidential, the Kuomintang proposed the decision of "open preliminary selection", and throwing out the Japanese model that combines polls, and the German model combined with polls.The people's party refused.

The public party announced the results of the three polls on Wednesday (November 8), all showing that the party chairman and presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe's support was ahead.Hou Youyi, a Kuomintang presidential candidate, criticized the office of the office that the polls entrusted by the people at their own expense were "misleading audiovisual", which showed that she lacked sincerity and goodwill for blue and white cooperation.