Jade City Danny, awareness of Shiwi, Okinawa, Japan announced that he will visit Taiwan at the end of this month.This is his first visit to Taiwan for four and a half years.

According to the Japanese Kyodo News Chinese website, Yutong Danny Danny revealed at a press conference on Friday (November 10) that he will visit Taiwan from November 23rd to 25th.Yucheng Danny plans to meet with people from Taiwan and people from Okinawa Prefecture, and will not contact relevant persons in the Taiwanese government.

Yucheng pointed out at a press conference that the crown disease epidemic has led to the stagnation of exchanges between Okinawa County and Taiwan. He hopes that through his personal visit to "promote the establishment of a multi -directional relationship."

The Okinawa County Government set up a new regional diplomatic room in April, expressed his efforts to promote exchanges, build peace, and promote development with neighboring countries and regions. This visit to Taiwan is also one of them.

In July of this year, Yucheng Danny visited China with the Japan International Trade Promotion Association, and as a delegation consultant, he held talks with other members of the delegation with the Chinese State Council Premier Li Qiang.