The Special Service Center of the National Security Bureau of Taiwan became a army on Thursday (November 9), which was established in the 2024 Presidential Election Security Work on Thursday (November 9th).Cai Mingyan, director of Taiwan Guoan, emphasized that security tasks are not divided into parties or individuals, and they are the task of "only success and failure to fail."

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily and Central News Agency reported that Taiwan will hold the presidential election in January next year. In order to ensure the safety of the candidates of the vice presidential and vice presidential camps, the Special Security Center of the National Security Bureau set up "Anwei 8" responsible for security missions., Formulate "3+1" (three groups of candidates, a group of reserve groups), about 220 people.

The National Security Bureau Special Service Center held a military ceremony on Thursday morning, and the blue -green and white camps who were running for the president sent representatives to attend the meeting.The scene was specially exhibited for the newly purchased "Sound Spear Detection System" purchased by the sniper group. The system can automatically locate the position of the gun and assist the group to quickly lock the terrorist to counterattack.The Special Service Center also shows the performance of the anti -sniper group and the equipment performance of the firepower groups.

Cai Mingyan delivered a speech after reading the ceremony and the special service personnel after reading the oath. The Anwei 8 specialized training is to arrange for different courses according to task requirements.Cooperation, integration and response capabilities have all shown specific results, and he has a high degree of pragmatic efforts to express his pragmatic efforts.

Cai Mingyan also proposed a few periods, saying that security personnel must firmly administer and implement administrative neutrality according to law.It is necessary to enter the masses, so we must pay attention to both safety and convenience; in terms of practice, it is necessary to grasp the overall implementation of politics, law, society, security, and technology to shape the literacy and image of the professional special service team.

Cai Mingyan mentioned that there is nothing in a diverse society to complete it reliable and independent, especially the work of Anwei. ThereforeCoordinate contact, support the candidate's close guards, focus on the surrounding guards, and support comprehensive public security, and give full play to the integration force.

Cai Mingyan also said that Anwei mission is complex, sensitive, important and arduous.During the mission period, all staff should strictly adhere to discipline requirements, pay attention to confidentiality work, and combine the scientific and practical practices learned during the training period. In the future, the election can be expected to be fierce. All personnel should play the spirit of the team's team and implement the sacred mission.