(Seoul Composite Electric) North Korean leader Kim Jong -un has reconciled the Chinese official, vowing to promote the cooperative relationship between China and North Korea.At the same time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov will visit the North Korea next month to pave the way for President Putin to visit the DPRK.

North Korean official media reported on Sunday (September 24) that Kim Jong -un replied to the Chinese official on Thursday (21st) to congratulate Chinese officials on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Korean government and expressed his gratitude.

Chinese officials called on September 9 to congratulate North Korea's 75th anniversary and stated in the letter that they are willing to strengthen China -DPRK strategic communication and working levels.

Kim Jong -un stated in the reply that "the two parties of the DPRK and China and the two countries will be as closely in contact with cooperation.""" ".

Kim Jong -un's last meeting with Chinese officials was in 2019, when the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and North Korea.Kim Jong -un visited Beijing in January. A few months later, Chinese officials visited Pyongyang in June.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov will visit the DPRK

When the leaders of China and the North Korea called the interaction this time, Kim Jong -un has just ended a six -day visit to Russia.This is also the longest visit to Kim Jong -un after his power.

During the visit to Russia, Kim Jong-un met with Russia."About:/Realtime/World/Story20230914-1433212" R = NOFOLOW TARGET = _Blank> I would visit Putin's invitation .The Kremlin subsequently announced that it will first arrange a foreign minister Lavrov to visit Pyongyang.

Lavrov told reporters in New York on Saturday (23rd) that he would visit North Korea in October.I believe his interview is preparing for Putin's visit to the DPRK.

Kim Jong-un visited Russia and South Korea, especially for weapons transactions on Russia and North Korea.Sexual concerns.The United States has accused North Korea of providing weapons ammunition for Russia for several months, but both Russia and North Korea have denied these allegations.