Lai Qingde, a presidential candidate for the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, recently said that Xiao Meiqin, the representative of the United States, is the candidate of the deputy "above". Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng described Xiao Meiqin as the "first leader" and "the strongest soldier" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.As the deputy of Lai Qingde, it must have a bonus effect.

The content of Wu Zhaozheng was broadcast on Thursday (November 2nd) of Taiwan Mirror TV.When asked if Xiao Meiqin would return to Taiwan to serve as Deputy Lai Qingde after the Summit of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference (APEC) leader on November 17, Wu Zhaoxuan said "I don't know."However, the host laughed and said that the foreign minister could not know if the representative in the United States had to return to Taiwan and questioned whether it was "unable to speak", and Wu Zhaoxuan responded to "that can't speak."

Wu Zhaozheng said that Xiao Meiqin is his very good friend.If Xiao Meiqin is described by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he will be the first and the strongest diplomatic soldier.In terms of the promotion of the relationship between Taiwan and the United States, Xiao Meiqin's performance is obvious to all.

Wu Zhaozheng further said that many members of the United States have been proud of seeing Xiao Meiqin, which is difficult to do.Xiao Meiqin's diplomatic energy in Washington is unable to achieve many diplomats, and even the US people have praised him. Xiao Meiqin is the most efficient and most actual experience in the United States in Washington.describe.

Wu Zhaozheng said that he has not participated in the election affairs of Lai Qingde now, but it is conceivable that Lai Qingde needs to pick a deputy who can add points."If you pick Ambassador Xiao, I believe this will have a bonus role in Vice President Lai."

Wu Zhaoxuan said, if Xiao Meiqin could not stay in the United States, he would feel very reluctant. After all, he would feel very reluctant. After allHe is also the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is a top priority to the US diplomacy. He must pick up candidates who can take over and communicate with the United States.There are institutionalized pipelines.

Lai Qingde said on a show on Tuesday (October 31) that there are currently six vice presidential candidates who are considering the partner, including Xiao Meiqin, which is popular in the outside world, Zheng Lijun, former minister of the Ministry of Culture, and Xiao Meiqin on the list.Middle is "top priority."