Rosenberg, chairman of the United States Association (AIT), emphasized that the United States is committed to Taiwan's democratic procedures and its free and fair elections to oppose any foreign actors' intervention in Taiwan elections.

According to Voice of the United States, Rosenberg Saturday (November 11) at the annual Thanksgiving dinner in the Washington Taiwan Association, expressed his speech on US -Taiwan relations, expressing that the United States opposed foreign forces intervention intervention interventionThe position of Taiwan's elections also says that the United States will cooperate with any leader of any Taiwanese people to jointly advance important partnerships in each other.

Rosenberg also said that the United States supports Taiwan's international participation. ThereforeThe delegation will be an important contributor to APEC, and the United States praises its efforts to APEC.

White House officials said on Thursday in the background briefing related to the worship meeting last Thursday, and said in the statement that the United States would make on Taiwan's issue on Thursday, saying that Biden would express to mainland China to express that the United States' opposition to Taiwan's 2024 election was subject to the 2024 election.Position of foreign intervention.

Xiao Meiqin, the representative of Taiwan in the United States, was originally scheduled to attend the dinner, but the organizer said that Xiao Meiqin could not come because of physical discomfort.However, Taiwan media reported that the outside world speculated that Xiao Meiqin was absent to be the deputy of the Democratic Progressive Party President Lai Qingde to form a preparation of "Lai Xiao Bao".