Spokesperson Chen Binhua, a spokesman for Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, promoted to the News AgencyDirector.

According to the surging news report, the Taiwan Affairs Office website was updated on Friday (November 10) that the spokesman of the office Chen Binhua has been promoted to the director of the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

Public information shows that Chen Binhua, 52, works in Xinhua News Agency from 1993 to 2016. He is mainly engaged in cross -strait news and Central Times News reports.

Chen Binhua was transferred to the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council in 2016. He has served as Deputy Director of the Haiji Center, Deputy Director of the Research Bureau, Deputy Director of the Economic Bureau, and First -level Inspector., First -level inspector, served as a spokesman in June.

Chen Binhua presided over the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on September 13, and opened in Mandarin and Minnan dialect, which made Taiwanese reporters present feel kind.

At present, Chen Binhua, director of the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the National Taiwan Affairs Office, and Zhu Fenglian, deputy director of the News Bureau, two press spokespersons.