The China Entry -Exit Administration Bureau said that the implementation of Taiwan compatriots will be more convenient to implement 10 cross -strait entry and exit policies, further promote the exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan personnel, and deepen the integration and development of various fields on both sides of the strait.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, the Mainland Entry -Exit Administration Bureau reported on Monday (November 6) that in order to implement the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on supporting the exploration of Fujian Exploration of the Cross -Strait Integration and Development of Cross -Strait and the Construction Cross -Strait Integration Development Demonstration ZoneOpinions, the Entry -Exit Administration Bureau focuses on the needs of Taiwan compatriots, Taiwan businessmen, and Taiwan enterprises, and has studied and introduced 10 entry policy measures.Living and living, deepen the integration and development of all fields on both sides of the strait.

In terms of convenience of Taiwan compatriots, the Taiwan residents will be implemented in the mainland (hereinafter referred toRealize "want to come and come"; promote the establishment of an immigration certificate production center in Xiamen. The time limit for the personnel of Xiajin and Fuma's "Life Circle of the same city" has shortened the time limit of entry and exit documents from seven working days to five working days.

In terms of facilitating Fujiantai personnel and shipping, information collection points will be added to Taiwan Passenger Port, which is convenient for Taiwan compatriots who are convenient for Taiwan compatriots to use border tests to quickly realize "one place for record, universal nationwide, and universal nationwide."; Launched the Fujian and Taiwan ships (including Taiwan fishing vessels and small trading merchant ships) to enter and exit Hong Kong's border inspection procedures online forecasting pre -inspection, providing 24 -hour border inspection and customs protection.

In encouraging Taiwan compatriots to settle in Fujian, it is clear that the application for Taiwan compatriots who settled in Fujian can submit an application for settlement in an entry management agency at or above the county level.Shortened to 10 working days.After approval, it can be settled at the planned place.

In the development of convenience Taiwan compatriots in the development of Fujian, the scope of the service service of the Taiwan compatriots will be expanded.Public services such as payment are convenient; promote the establishment of "Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan -Enterprises" and "entry and exit service stations" to provide high -efficiency policy services such as compatriots and enterprises in Fujian and Taiwan;Hanging and staying, it is convenient for living in Fujian.

The relevant person in charge of the Mainland Entry -Exit Administration pointed out that 10 measures have a positive role in service promoting the exchanges and exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan, supporting Fujian Construction Cross -Strait Integration Development Demonstration Zone.Next, we will continue to innovate and optimize the entry and exit management policies and measures of Taiwan, actively serve Taiwan compatriots, Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises, and strive to ensure that cross -strait personnel are more convenient, customs clearance is smoother, and Taiwan compatriots live in the mainland.