The Taiwan election is approaching, "blue and white" stuck shell.Ma Ying -jeou proposed to adopt the whole people's tone. Former Kaohsiung Mayor South Korea Yufen expressed high support and approval.

Aiming at the candidate of the President of the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe and the Kuomintang Kuomintang candidate Hou Youyi, who should be the question of who is, the former president of Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou passed the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation CEO Xiao Xuzen.Hou Ke Bao "and" Ke Hou Bai "to conduct polls. Which combination can exceed the DPP candidate Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin's" Lai Xiao Biao ", and use that combination.

In this regard, South Korea ’s Yu said on Friday (November 10) and posted on a personal Facebook article that“ two benefits and two harms ”are obvious facts.

South Korea's Yu believes that the gay partners who really want to win should really face reality, break through and set up limits, and create victory.He said, "The future of the Republic of China and the safety of the Golden Horse of Taiwan Pengfeng can no longer afford any internal consumption and air rotation, and can no longer bear the DPP's continued ruling and continued corruption and delusion."

South KoreaYu called on the principal of the two parties to adopt Ma Ying -jeou's suggestion."I believe that the whole people can propose a combination of winning for us to have a" national "foundation to win the prosperity and safety of Taiwan for us."