The Representative of the Permanent Representative of China and other international organizations in Vienna Wang Qun, Wang Qun, said on Friday (November 18) at the International Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "institution").Nuclear submarine cooperation such as nuclear diffusion activities.

According to CCTV news reports, Wang Qun said that the cooperation between the United States and Britain and the Australian nuclear submarine is a naked nuclear diffusion act, which is a severe prevention challenge facing the current international community and must be properly handled.

Wang Qun's three principles are very important.First, we must adhere to the institutional anti -diffusion function and political direction.Anti -diffusion is an important function of the international atomic energy agency.The non -diffusion nuclear weapon treaty (NPT) not only gives the institution to prevent the proliferation function, but also makes mechanism arrangements for the implementation of the anti -diffusion target through the institution's guarantee supervision system.

It is the original intention of maintaining NPT, fulfilling the function of anti -diffusion, and not advancing any military purpose.Adhering to institutional anti -proliferation functions is to maintain NPT and maintain the international anti -diffusion system.Therefore, institutions must not be involved in any nuclear diffusion in any way and any excuses.Chinese opposition agencies will use the budget for the relevant guarantee supervision activities of Nuclear submarine cooperation.

Secondly, we must adhere to the intergovernmental review process led by member states to deal with the guarantee of the security supervision of the Three Kingdoms Nuclear Submarine Cooperation.All members of the organization have the responsibility and obligations to deal with this problem through the intergovernmental review process, and reach a solution in a consistent way.

The intergovernmental review process led by institutional member states has been launched in November last year, and it has been deepened after six discussions.This is not the so -called technical exchanges or privately -collaborated by the Three Kingdoms and the Secretariat.At the same time, the Director -General of the Institution should effectively fulfill the obligations stipulated in the documents and other documents of the institution, and report to the members of the Three Kingdoms nuclear submarine in a open, objective and transparent manner to create conditions to properly solve this problem through the intergovernmental process.

Third, the solution to the supervision of the Three Kingdoms nuclear submarine cooperation must be achieved in the process of consistent negotiation in the intergovernmental review process.Historically, any major issues such as modifying and interpretation of the guarantee supervision agreement are widely participated by institutional member states. The suggestions formed are the result of the consistent negotiation of member states.Since the establishment of institutions, the security supervision agreement between institutions and member states has also been approved by the council.These have all cases to check.It would not be effective without the negotiation of the manager's council.The reason for this is obvious.

The cooperation of nuclear submarines in the Three Kingdoms, in view of the diffusion of nuclear weapons materials, any guarantee supervision arrangement must be discussed and negotiated by the member states through open -government intergovernmental processes.The Secretariat can only make corresponding guarantee supervision and supervision arrangements based on the authorization of member states, and has no right to make decisions without authorization.Even if there is a supplementary arrangement with the Australian merchants that there is a comprehensive guarantee supervision agreement, it must first be discussed and resolved by the council in a consistent way.

Wang Qun emphasized that if the Director of the Three KingdomThe functions of organization unity and paralysis institutions make the institution fall away, and even endanger the effectiveness and integrity of the NPT and the international nuclear non -diffusion system.

Wang Qun finally called on the Three Kingdoms to think twice, abandon the above -mentioned confrontation, and return to the right track of the international defense diffusion system; call on the general officer of the organization to perform their duties and do their responsibilities, strictly follow the authorization of institutions and the authorization of member states;All member states have worked together to jointly take effective measures to jointly maintain the NPT and international nuclear non -diffusion systems.

In September last year, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia established a three -sided security partnership (Aukus). According to the agreement, the United States and Britain will assist the Australian Navy to establish a nuclear submarine forces in 2040.