Former US Secretary of State Pompeo revealed in a recent published memoir that when he visited Pyongyang in March 2018, North Korean leader Kim Jong -un told him in private: "North Korea needs to be protected by the US military in Korea to avoid being threatened by China."

Pompeo never shrinks, and in the memoir of the United States war I love, he revealed that he visited North Korea as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the US President Trump's special envoy to pave the way for the US and North Korea leaders.

Pompeo said that it is necessary to reassure Kim Jong -un, even if North Korea abandon nuclear weapons, it will not be threatened by China.So he said to Kim Jong -un: "The Chinese government often tells the United States that Kim Jong -un will be very happy to withdraw from South Korea."

Kim Jong -un patted the table excitedly and said, "The Chinese are lying!"

He said "Americans in South Korea protect him from the CCP's infringement; and the Chinese Communist Party wants Americans to leave so that they can treat this peninsula like Tibet and Xinjiang."

Pompeo's content based on this conversation believes that even if the U.S. military has added missiles or ground forces on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea will not care.

He revealed that it is necessary to persuade Kim Jong -un, and even if the nuclear is abandoned, the North Korean regime can still be maintained instead of the same as the Saddam and Libya Gaddafi in Iraq.As long as the (nuclear) agreement is reached, Kim Jong -un will invite Kim Jong -un to Miami Beach to taste the best Cuban cigar in the world.In this regard, Kim Jong -un said that he had a close relationship with the Castro family.

The book introduced that Kim Jong -un got up every 45 minutes in the talks and said he was going to answer "important calls", but he actually went to smoke.Pompeo also commented that Jin Yingzhe, deputy chairman of the North Korean Labor Party, was one of the most annoying people he had ever seen.

Pompeo also said: "At the special gold club held in Singapore in June 2018, I soon issued cash to Zheng En wearing high shoes to take a photo with Trump."

Kim Jong -un said to Trump's name "Little Rocket Man" to Kim Jong -un: "The" Rocket Man "is fine, but 'Little' is not good."

In addition, in February 2019, at the second US -North Korea leader talks held in Hanoi, Pompeo said that as long as North Korea can be removed by Ningbian nuclear facilities, the United States will allow South Korea to do several small -scale small -scaleinvest.

But at the meeting, Kim Jong -un asked to "lift all sanctions."After this request was rejected by Trump, Kim Jong -un stared at Jin Yingzhe with a severe dispenation expression.

At the special gold club held in Singapore in June 2018, I soon issued cash Zheng En wearing high shoes to take a photo with Trump.

—— Pompeo