After China's relaxation of crown disease epidemic control measures, there are many waves of drug purchase.In addition to analgesic and fever drugs, the two imitation of crown disease oral drugs also flowed into the Chinese market through purchasing, and there were hot sales and dismissal.

According to the China Interface News last Saturday (December 10), Phard's Coronary Oral Drug Paxlovid and Murded Oral Oral Drug Molnupiravir's generic drugs have flowed into the Chinese market and sold in the black market for sale.Circulation, the price is expensive.

The report quoted a purchaser on behalf of overseas pharmaceutical companies, saying that Indian pharmaceutical companies Azista imitated PAXLOVID China domestic spot price of 1,200 yuan (RMB, below, about 232 yuan), a box, and non -cashless goods can cheapTo 800 yuan a box.The purchaser also said that the spot has been sold out and only accepts reservations. It needs to wait for the next batch of goods in January next year.Another purchasing also said that booking PaxLovid's generic drugs must be delivered to 200 yuan first, and it is expected to be available for two weeks.

Another buyer said that Molnupiravir's Molnupiravir Mernupiravir Mermavir generic drugs produced by Laos ASEAN Pharmaceuticals are priced at 400 yuan per box. It is expected to arrive in three to five days after purchase.The purchasing agent also reminded that both generic drugs are treated prescription drugs. After diagnosis, they should seek doctor guidance, do not take it by themselves, and provide the Chinese version of the drug instructions.

According to reports, the above -mentioned two manufacturers of generic drugs were officially included in the allowable list by the original pharmaceutical factory, but neither was permitted in China, and its buying and selling were unsatisfactory behaviors.Experts also reminded that regardless of the original or imitation version of the crown disease oral medication, they should be used under the conditions of a doctor, and should not be taken without authorization, let alone prevent it.

The China State Drug Administration approved the import registration of PAXLOVID on February 12 this year with an emergency review and approval, becoming the first imported crown disease for imported crown disease in China, and Molnupiravir has also been submitted to the market for listingApplication, but not yet approved.

On the other hand, according to on Tuesday (December 13), the crown disease consultation clinic of China Medical Care Platform 1 Pharmaceutical Network began pre -sale of PAXLOVID, priced at 2980 yuan a box, Higher than medical institutions for the drug purchase price of the drug.However, because the heat is too high, 1 medicine network said that the service had been offline on Tuesday evening.

The report also quoted Paxlovid's generic drug agencies that they have purchased for customers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan since April this year.50,000 boxes, accounting for about one -third of the total sales.

At the same time, the Chinese domestic crown disease oral medication Azf will also start online sales on Tuesday, with a price of 330 yuan. It is necessary to ask a doctor for consultation and need to hold a positive or antigen detection positive as a nucleic acid test.The basis for prescribing prescriptions.