The Ministry of Communications of Taiwan last Friday (November 3) announced that the group will be lifted in March next year to travel to mainland China. Minister of Communications Wang Guogi said on Monday (6th) that it is currently planned to announce related details before the Spring Festival next year., Lift the ban on March 1.

Comprehensive Taiwan Central Broadcasting Station and Free Times reported that the Taiwan election in 2024 is about to wait for the government to open cross -strait tourism.On March 1st next year, the ban on the Taiwan travel agency group traveling to mainland China and receiving the Luke Group was lifted. It was criticized by the opposition party to do things well at the time of office, but promised to go out of office for the voting.

The draft of the road traffic safety basic law on the Legislative Council Traffic Safety Basic Law on Monday was reviewed on Monday.Fang has released a lot of goodwill, including the MAC on August 24 that with the principle of equality and reciprocity, he hopes that the two sides of the strait will be open at the same time, but there is no positive response from the land.Now that one -way announcement of loosening is the living of tourists.

Is it possible to get a lifting of the ban on the regiment in the land?Wang Guoming said that the plan is currently planned to announce relevant details before the Spring Festival next year, and the ban will be lifted on March 1.Related preparations have been negotiated with the travel industry, including cooperative restaurants and arranging tour buses.

As for whether the cross -strait airpoint expands open?Wang Guobi responded that it would continue to review. At present, it is 10 direct flights, plus 13 charter points.The industry said that the use of charter machines in the early stages of lifting the ban is sufficient, but if the transport volume of the charter point is stable, it will gradually be converted into a direct flight point. He has also asked the Civil Aviation Administration to study and ask the airline to prepare.