(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said that China will allow citizens to vaccinate citizens in China and Germany.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, a reporter asked questions that the German Health Minister Lawrtbach said on December 7 that Germany has approved the Chinese Citizen in Germany to vaccine the Chinese Kochi vaccine in Germany.Inoculation of German vaccine, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mao Ning said on Friday (December 9) in a regular press conference: "We welcome the German side.To reach a consensus, the two parties will agree on relevant arrangements through diplomatic channels. "

This means that the Biontech vaccine will be the first non -national -produced vaccine to take vaccination in China.So far, mainland China still insists on providing domestic crown vaccines for citizens.Biontech reached a cooperation agreement with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical as early as 2020 to supply vaccines to Greater China. Mainland China officials have not been approved to be used in the mainland.

According to Reuters, German Chancellor Antrs, Tsoz, announced on November 4 that China will allow foreign people in China to vaccinate the coronary vaccine of Biontech, a German biotechnology company Biontech.

He said at the time that China and Germany agreed to work closely to fight against the epidemic, and urged Beijing to use the BionTech vaccine.

However, the news immediately caused discussions on Chinese social media. Some comments pointed out that this was "super national treatment" and "open mouth ... later () became a choice of background and powerful people", and some netizens also some netizensI think: "This is impossible, unless you are right, Chinese vaccine can also go to Germany to fight."