Outlook Ousickin said the fugitives carry official information and even military secrets.He said that in addition to military documents, the fleeing general also provided corruption information and secret recording in the military, showing the Federal Security Bureau's control of the military.

(Paris News) According to an objender against Russian President Putin, senior Russian officials fled, and Putin continued to pursue the fugitives overseas.

On September 12 last year, Vladimir Osechkin, a Russian dismissal person, walked towards the table with a pasta prepared for children, looking at the red laser flying on the wall.He immediately turned off the lights, and his wife pulled the children to the ground and retreated to the other side of the apartment.A few minutes later, the gunner fired.

Oussechie told the United States CNN (CNN) reporter: "In the past 10 years, I did a lot of things to safeguard human rights and others. At that moment, I understood that I helped others' mission to my family.It brought very high risks. "Since he fled Russia in 2015 and applied for asylum, he has lived in France and was protected by police.

More and more senior officials who have been assisted by Oserchie to escape from Russia are more and more. Among them, there are former generals and intelligence personnel, the Ukrainian war and their dissatisfaction with the political situation have prompted them to flee.

Putin has stated that he wants to hunt the enemy of the Kremlin overseas.Oussechie is currently on the "wanted list".France provides him with a shelter, but it is not easy to ensure security.

As a journalist and anti -corruption activity, Oussekin was his responsibility to understand the secrets of the country, which helped him avoid two calamities.A source of Chechen Doris sent him a text message in February: "Vladimir, be careful ... the prepaid payment of your plan has been paid."

Oussechine founded the website Gulagu.net in 2011 to expose corruption and torture of Russian institutions and departments.After the outbreak of the war, the website gained a new international influence.

The website reports that the information of male prisoners in prison in prison has inspired a group of officials (FSB) officials to become reporters, providing information to the website, and explaining their objections to the war.

Oussekin said that in addition to the men who escaped the recruitment and escaped the country, officials also fled, and the website received information on demand every day.Most of the help were low -level soldiers, but one of the former ministers and a Samsung general, CNN also determined that there was indeed a Federal Security Agency official and the commander of Wagner Group.The commander who was unwilling to renew his contract from Russia to Norway to seek asylum.

Oussekin said the fugitives carried official information and even military secrets.He acknowledged that his human rights organization was not interested in this information, but the views of Western intelligence agencies were very different.

For example, in addition to military documents, the fleeing general also provided corruption information and secret recording in the military, showing the federal security bureau's control of the military.

Former Federal Security Agency official Emran Navruzbekov said that he was desperate for Russia to escape from Russia's victory in Ukraine.He said that every official wanted to escape.

Oussekin pointed out that many Russian officials fled because of their Ukrainian descent and family relationships.He believes that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a turning point, destroying Russia's stability under his power.He said that he had worked with him for more than 20 years with him, and fled was to stabilize, money and the next generation of a better life.